Post cycle therapy (pct) help. I read the post cycle therapy (pct) thread but have a few questions.


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PCT help. I read the PCT thread but have a few questions.

In Feb- June i did a test prop/tren a cycle too long 16 weeks and my test is real low..

I used clomids 100/50/50/50 but it didnt work..

I am now doing a new cycle Jan 1st

Test Prop 100mg eod 14 weeks
Tren A 100 mg eod 8 1/2 weeks
winny tabs 8 1/2 weeks
Test Syp for 3 weeks only week 10-13 because I will be away 4 days and dont want to shut down during it. I was planning 100 mg week 10-week 11 week 12 and 200 mg the day that I leave..

I have access to Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and CLomid..

Should I take the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) during the cycle, starting 2 weeks after 1st injection and use the clomids after. When would i do the blast and start the Serm seeing that I have cyp in my body as well.

Please help

Thank you guys in advance for all of your help.
1st off have you done blood work ? are you recovered and healthy because if not you have no business running a cycle.
why the hell are you running prop 14 weeks ?
your cycle is a joke and as you failed to recover from the last one why have you set up another with lots of compounds ?
if your going to run a cycle do a 12 week cycle of test and thats it, if you recover and keep your gains then look at adding and advancing buddy, if you run less, gain less and keep more that is a better cycle compared to gaining loads and then loosing it all whilst ruining your health.
Not being a dick but this seems very silly to me, can i ask your age, stats, lifting history etc and i will do my best to help you
View attachment 547153View attachment 547154View attachment 547155 attached
before cycle photo.. 274 lbs
photo on cycle 255 lbs
and post cycle photo 241 lbs

1st off have you done blood work ? Are you recovered and healthy because if not you have no business running a cycle.
Why the hell are you running prop 14 weeks ?
Your cycle is a joke and as you failed to recover from the last one why have you set up another with lots of compounds ?
If your going to run a cycle do a 12 week cycle of test and thats it, if you recover and keep your gains then look at adding and advancing buddy, if you run less, gain less and keep more that is a better cycle compared to gaining loads and then loosing it all whilst ruining your health.
Not being a dick but this seems very silly to me, can i ask your age, stats, lifting history etc and i will do my best to help you

i am 34
6'2 241
three years ago after a bad marraige i was 341 lbs
i ran the test way to long.
I have appointment with urologist tomorrow . I did bloods last week
282 total test 9.2 free test everything else liver , kidneys was excellant
been lifting for 3 years straight.
lifted from my 20's to 25 then took a break due to a bad relationship and work.
I train 6 days a week now.
mornings 10 miles on bike
afternoons chest/tris
day off

i havent lost much of what i gained if anything. Strength is still the same, just libido is off.

Thanks for the help,

I have 5 bottles of prop, 3 of tren a, 1 cyp and 60 winstrol tabs.
25,000 ius Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and 40 clomids..

i go away to punta cana march 22-26th..

i dont wanna shut down during the trip so i thought the longer ester cyp would help during the 4 days im away..

please offer any advice, thank you
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Id take Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) but id start it sooner than 2 weeks in. Since you are ruunning prop id start it one wek in. Id do 250iu's - 2x/week. Id run it right up to your pct.
Id add nolva to the can get it right through rui , the site sponsor , its liquid and its legit- liquidtamox i believe they call it.
Id run Clomid100/50/50/50 and nolva 40/20/20/20/20. Total of a 5 week pct(last week nolva only).
PCT will start 3 days after your last prop injection.
Just my thoughts.
What about the cyp? If I use us for 4 weeks do I don't shut down during my trip. If that's my last shot how long do I wait to start clomid n nolva
when your levels are back to normal and youre 100% again id advise you too just run a test cycle for 12-14 weeks and drop the other stuff run this cycle and ensure your diet and training is on point, please ensure you are able to recover and keep most of gains, once youve done this then look to adding other compounds and products. id also advise you try to trim up and get your bf down abit before cycling buddy.
if you decide to add any orals then run a some supports to go with them, but id just keep it basic buddy recover well and get your diet routine in check, youll gain more of a simple cycle with a good recovery than you will with lots of things and a botched pct in and itll be better for you.
hope this of some help just keep it simple and go 10 wks with the prop etc. then move on to better things as/when you need them mate.
Btw i truly appreciate the advice.

When i lost my first 66 lbs
i was stuck at a 275 for 6 months, then doing the cycle i lost 31 lbs.. Same cardio and food..

I figured one last cycle will get me down to 210 -215 and i will be good.
What about the cyp? If I use us for 4 weeks do I don't shut down during my trip. If that's my last shot how long do I wait to start clomid n nolva

If you stop cyp at wek 12 and are running a 14 week cycle it works out perfect. 17 days post cyp inj is when I would start my pct .....which if you look at it 3 days after final prop inj is 17 days.
I will start the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) week 2, when would you suggest that I stop it?

Do I do a blast towards the end or no?
What supports go with the Orals?
Milk thistle?

milk thistle is supposed to be good but it only helps with liver an there are a number of issues that need addressing with harsh orals and prohormones, better to use a prodcut with a large variety ofingrediants and benefits, esoecially with dbol etc as they mess with blood pressure. I run an all in one support supplement and my favourite is N2GUARD it deals with liver, blood pressure etc is also a multivitamin loads of benefits to it.
milkthistle and hawthorn berry are a good combo but id get the n2guard as it has loads of things desidgned to help with orals hormones and the like.
milk thistle is supposed to be good but it only helps with liver an there are a number of issues that need addressing with harsh orals and prohormones, better to use a prodcut with a large variety ofingrediants and benefits, esoecially with dbol etc as they mess with blood pressure. I run an all in one support supplement and my favourite is N2GUARD it deals with liver, blood pressure etc is also a multivitamin loads of benefits to it.
milkthistle and hawthorn berry are a good combo but id get the n2guard as it has loads of things desidgned to help with orals hormones and the like.

Would I need this for Winstrol?
What about the cyp? If I use us for 4 weeks do I don't shut down during my trip. If that's my last shot how long do I wait to start clomid n nolva

forget the cyp my freind its pointless save it for another time and run a 10-12 week propcycle with all the neccessaries if you like thro some Anavar (var) on the end and that will harden you upnicely and give you a more solid look id stack it up like this but please take the time to understand and learn why each bit is in place, youll be much happier and more confident if you dothid and then you can run all you like and know how to deal with any future issues that may occur. go up to 14 weeks with the prop if you can handle the pinning, 10 will be fine aswell, but il lay out a 12 weeker as i feel this is fine.
1-12 test prop
1-12 aromasin
3-12 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500ius x2 a week
7-12 anavar 60mg/day (last 2 weeks bump it to 80mg)
7-12 N2Guard
13-16 clomid 50/25/25/25
13-16 Nolva 40/20/20/20
13-18 forma stanzol
13-16 Daa 3g's a day

this will be great for you and help you too lean forget all the other BS what counts are your determination diet and discipline, dont mess another cycle up get your health back and then hit this next cycle like a force of nature, i promise you youll get results dont need loads of compounds.
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Would I need this for Winstrol?

yes winstrol is harsh on your liver buddy.
You may cycle orals and im not saying yourll drop dead but some have been linked to liver cancer and other deseases and alot of the old school muscle heads are now suffering from all sorts of problems due to oral steroids, its your health but for afew $$'s id def include some protection. You maybe fine you may not be but with your size yourl be more prone to blood pressure issues and sides from things and i would def rccomend you look into this stuff. in the long run your very likely to have issues with things of orals are run withiut the use of a proper support/s
My worry is I am going away march 22-26 to DR
I cant bring anything on the plane..

How can I prevent shutting down those 4 days?
My worry is I am going away march 22-26 to DR
I cant bring anything on the plane..

How can I prevent shutting down those 4 days?

what is your propsed start date for the cycle ?
either dont cycle or run a shorter cycle ? 8-10 wks on prop is still good if a person run a 12 test e cycle there only really feeling the test 7-8 weeks anyway, we can work around it but i wouldnt start mixing tests into it to cover a 4 day window
or you could forget the prop and save that for another run and do a 12-14 week test e cycle as this would get around the 4 day window problem ?
what is your propsed start date for the cycle ?
either dont cycle or run a shorter cycle ? 8-10 wks on prop is still good if a person run a 12 test e cycle there only really feeling the test 7-8 weeks anyway, we can work around it but i wouldnt start mixing tests into it to cover a 4 day window

My start date is Jan 2nd to March 22nd then a break to the 26th and finish last bottle 27th to 16th of April.
I was told by my source that if I did 1 shot of 100 mg of cyp once a week in addition to the normal prop for 2 weeks, then a 200 mg shot the day I leave of Cyp that it would cover me those 4 days im gone and he gave me the Cyp for free. Then I can finish my last bottle of prop when I come back and start PCT.