Post cycle therapy (pct) que

oh forgot to mention i have nolva and clomid to hand .. i dont see hcg will be needed as hpta suppression would not be that high
wanttogetbig said:
what would be an ideal post cycle therapy (pct) regime for

weeks 1 - 5

Dianabol @ 30mg/day

cheers guys

first off d-bol is highly suppressive of hpta function when taken at a continuos daily dosage for more than 21 days....
post cycle therapy (pct) is a very inividual thing and what works for one may not work for another
what post cycle therapy (pct) have you run in the past ? is this your first cycle?
3 weeks of nolvadex at 20-40 mgs per day would be sufficient in my opinion. You could throw in the clomid if you wish but if it was only d-bol that you were running I don't think that it is completely necessary.