Post Finasteride Syndrome - Tried everything, help, Tribulus/Tongkat Ali


New member
Hi I took propecia a long time ago and I have PFS for 6 years.

I took Clomid, Novaldex, Proviron, Arimidex, Dostinex, Hydrocortisone, Prednisone, Vitamin D. Nothing worked.

Recently I tried progesterone cream with tribulus terrestris, I was taking tribulus for 2 weeks prior and felt nothing, then I was applying the cream and felt awful, my penis got really numb, I got really depressed, then I was so desperate that I increased my tribulus intake a lot. And got for the first time 70% better libido, better orgasm, erection, even my vision problems from PFS, my hearing problems, digestive, got cleared up. Even my gynecomastia and my pot belly, muscle wastage, muscle loss reversed. And I wasn't taking any AI. My hormone levels are perfect, PFS is not about hormones, people inject testosterone and it doesn't work, people try everything and it doesn't work, so I think it's related to androgen receptors being blocked, that's why people won't respond.

There's a guy that took triptorelin and got 1000 testosterone and 25 - 30 estrogen, and felt nothing, even 4 months later he still felt nothing and his levels stayed. He said then he took tribulus 2 or 3 pills a day and felt nothing too, then he increased to 8 - 12 pills and finally restored his libido, erections, and everything propecia gave him, his only problem is a little bit less sensitivity on his penis and tinnitus that got better too.

So my questions are:

Do you guys know tribulus act? I know it doesn't change the hormone levels, no increase in testosterone, but I felt really better while on it, guys told me to cycle tribulus some times that after each time I would get off better, like it acts by ups and downs but after each time we get a better base line, like 3 steps forward, two steps back until reach a cure.

Do you guys think that people who don't respond to tribulus they have some kind of problem, or they take low dosage or not long enough?

Which one is better, tribulus or tongkat ali?

I'm asking you because nothing increased my balls size like tribulus, no clomid, no novaldex, not even HCG, even the guys who face the same problem said that HCG didn't bring bigger testicles like tribulus and tongkat ali. And I felt while my testicles got bigger I felt overall better. But the problem is that I was still applying progesterone but now without tribulus I don't know if it made me crash again, or if it was drinking too much and smoking weed, but this combination gave me even smaller balls and even worse penis shrinkage, but now I know it's reversible, but I really need help.

Sorry for such a long text.