Post PCT Bloodwork - Low Test/High Prolactin


New member
Hey guys, some quick background. 25 years old, 3 cycles under my belt.

1st and 2nd cycles were Test E at 500 and 750/week mg respectively, for 16 weeks and 25 mg Aromasin EOD. Standard PCT. Each cycle was 6 months or so after the last PCT.

3rd Cycle

  • 12 Weeks Tren A (50 mg ED, went up to 75mg)
  • 12 Weeks Test E 125 mg/week
  • 12 Weeks Aromasin 25 mg EOD
  • Cruise at 125-150 mg/week Test E for 2 months after the first 12 weeks.
  • Two weeks offs.
  • Nolvadex 40/40/20/20/20/20 + Clomid 50/50/25/25 PCT.

This PCT ended mid-September 2015.

All seemed well, balls grew back to normal size, libido was good, not much strength lost, everything felt fine, similar to how I felt after my last two PCTs. Noticed I put on a little bit more fat than usual.

I got bloods done for the first time last week and noticed something alarming.

  • Testosterone (total): 256 ng/mL (standard range is 270 - 1050)
  • Prolactin: 19.40 ng/mL (standard range being 0.47-18.0).

All other levels were right in the middle of where they should be. Just these two stuck out.

Should I start freaking out? I was in a funky place in life with my third cycle, and looking back now, I should of ran caber as well as ran HCG for my PCT.

The question is, where do I go from here? I'm thinking of running another PCT with HCG. Should I toss in caber? Or let my body naturally recover. Did I royally fuck up?

Unfortunately I don't have any reference values to what my normal test values were.

Thanks guys!
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Your right there within the guidelines that most physicians go by, endo's will be a different story..

I would suggest running an other PCT,toss in some caber..I would also suggest adding some Proviron (it will NOT effect of suppress HTPA function) it may assist with freeing bound test making it more bio avail in the blood.. What was your SHBG level? estro?

what kind of test was it, LC/MS or ECLIA?

Lets see what your e2 level was, because progest and estro work in conjunction believe it or not!

Random question, do you smoke a lot of pot or drink?
  • Testosterone, Total 2.56 (No reference range given, looked it up)
  • Testosterone Free % 2.75 (Reference range: 1.1 - 2.8%)
  • Testosterone Free 70.4 (Reference range: 35-155 PG/mL)
  • Prolactin 19.4 (Reference range: 19.40 ng/mL)
  • Luteinizing Hormone 4.0 (1.7-8.6 MIU/mL)
  • Estradiol 10.2 (<52.0 PG/mL)
  • TSH, BLD, QN 2.110 (0.320 - 5.500 MIU/mL)
  • HCG <2.0 (<2.0 MIU/mL)

Is all the information I have (long story about how I got these bloods, irrelevent). Should I go ahead and get a full hormone panel (I plan on getting one any way after I run another PCT), or is this enough information to tailor a second PCT?

But as for alcohol, not often, a binge drink weekend a month. Pot, I will say for the most part I do not, but for a month leading up to this blood test - I was on a binge of smoking a lot 4-5 days a week. As of now, I'm completely sober from pot and alcohol.

What would you recommend in terms of dosage and weeks for the PCT including caber and proviron? Would hCG at this point help?
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Did you check LH and FSH? That will tell you if the problem is with your testicles or pituitary. If you forgot to check them, get back in for more blood work. red the link below in my signature for more info on getting blood work.

If you end up running PCT again, do not include hCG as it is suppressive to the HPTA. And with all due respect to .Vision, so is proviron. It has no business being included in PCT.

Caber or Prami would be a good idea given your prolactin.

Edit: I see that you posted more blood work now. The problem is with your pituitary so run PCT again. Make sure your PCT meds are legit.
Did you check LH and FSH? That will tell you if the problem is with your testicles or pituitary. If you forgot to check them, get back in for more blood work. red the link below in my signature for more info on getting blood work.

If you end up running PCT again, do not include hCG as it is suppressive to the HPTA. And with all due respect to .Vision, so is proviron. It has no business being included in PCT.

Caber or Prami would be a good idea given your prolactin.

Edit: I see that you posted more blood work now. The problem is with your pituitary so run PCT again. Make sure your PCT meds are legit.

Thanks man. What would you recommend PCT wise (standard 4 week, 6, including the caber dosages?)

And the meds are legit, made sure on that one. Also one of the reasons I came off the blast and cruise, is I realized I'm totally under educated and really just following templates. I want to come back to AAS in a few years, but I need to get my head on straight.

How did you come to the conclusion the problem was with my pituitary and not testicles? Appreciate the help.
Thanks man. What would you recommend PCT wise (standard 4 week, 6, including the caber dosages?)

And the meds are legit, made sure on that one. Also one of the reasons I came off the blast and cruise, is I realized I'm totally under educated and really just following templates. I want to come back to AAS in a few years, but I need to get my head on straight.

How did you come to the conclusion the problem was with my pituitary and not testicles? Appreciate the help.

because the direct effects with the HPG access and the system of checks start within the pituitary, as its an endocrine gland dictating progestin levels, that will effect e2....elevated progest is pituitary related!

in regards to proviron being suppression in nature has been proven many times to not be true, it has NO effects on HTPA nor does it support function with has NO adverse effects with HTPA and supression.. theres enough studies to support this..The addition with prov will assist with free test levels from bound test, and libido considering he's low test score..

for your pct..Nolvadex 40/40/20/20/20/20 + Clomid 50/50/25/25 PCT.

run tamox at 60/40/40/20/20
clomid at 100/50/50

GET BLOODS, at last 3-5 weeks after last week of pct!
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  • Testosterone, Total 2.56 (No reference range given, looked it up)
  • Testosterone Free % 2.75 (Reference range: 1.1 - 2.8%)
  • Testosterone Free 70.4 (Reference range: 35-155 PG/mL)
  • Prolactin 19.4 (Reference range: 19.40 ng/mL)
  • Luteinizing Hormone 4.0 (1.7-8.6 MIU/mL)
  • Estradiol 10.2 (<52.0 PG/mL)
  • TSH, BLD, QN 2.110 (0.320 - 5.500 MIU/mL)
  • HCG <2.0 (<2.0 MIU/mL)

Is all the information I have (long story about how I got these bloods, irrelevent). Should I go ahead and get a full hormone panel (I plan on getting one any way after I run another PCT), or is this enough information to tailor a second PCT?

But as for alcohol, not often, a binge drink weekend a month. Pot, I will say for the most part I do not, but for a month leading up to this blood test - I was on a binge of smoking a lot 4-5 days a week. As of now, I'm completely sober from pot and alcohol.

What would you recommend in terms of dosage and weeks for the PCT including caber and proviron? Would hCG at this point help?

and NO HCG now.. far as dostinex, 1/2 to 1mg E4 days is may not be needed, try a full pct again and see where bloods are..proviron will assist with libido for now, and possible free test, but this you wont see unless you get bloods right away, and the same for dox, you really wont be able to see if its working because you dont have any mass/prolactin, right????

far as the reg drinking and pot smoking, its known to have an effect with estrogen, this the reason I asked, estro and progesterone go hand in hand! but, I doubt a small binger would have had an effect, unless this is a common thing to that you repeat?!?

get back on PCT and get bloods, and eat clean,, clean up your diet! your diet can do a long way with bloods and the endo..