Posterior shoulder dislocating during dumbbell military press


New member
Hey guys i recently dislocated my shoulder doing dumbbell military presses. is there any gear that would speed up recovery and possibly help heal any damaged ligaments? i want to get back to lifting as soon as possible and theres not much i can do without the use of my arm.
you may wanna start by resting it, work out other parts as far as far as gear i recommend hgh...have a good recovery bro
NO. You should naturally heal up. I believe this is common anyway while using AAS because the muscles outgrow and get stronger than the connective tissues/ligaments can support. Time off or light/rehab weight and exercises.
I would recommend IGF 1 lr3. There are also some other peptides that would be good for this. I don't recall which ones, contact board sponsor RUI, im sure they can help. IMO, the hgh is great, but results are slow, it's expensive, and you must have a good source. Too much bunk hgh out there. I've had lots of trouble with dislocating shoulders. I've had 3 reconstructive surgeries. Did you get it back in socket, or did you have to go to hospital?
For rehab, use light weights! I can't stress that enough. Light weights, more reps. Cable machines give you the most options for your shoulder. Good luck.