potent appetite stimulator

get on some EQ, and i heard b12 does but i dont know if thats your best choices, id get someore responses
Have you tried eating 6 meals a day? If not, start there. Make them small meals at first, but once you get used to it, it will be much easier to add a few calories here and there throughout the day vs. having to pound down twice what you are used to in 3 meals/day.

How many meals/day do you currently eat?
Eat 6 meals per day. If you can't get 6 meals down, force them down. After a couple weeks your body will get used to it and will be hungry every couple hours.

Also, do some morning cardio. Nothing stimulates my apetite like cardio in the morning.
Just like everyone is saying, you have to eat more often, don't eat junk, have a big breakfast and force yourself to eat. Eat more than you are comfortable with each meal and eventually you will be able to eat more with ease.
intake some liquid nutrtion if you cant intake more solid foods.....at leats thats what I do in general.....im the same way cant eat much solid food in fact I probably could miss a whole day without eating and not even know it....liquids keep me up there calorie wise.
jocktheglide said:
intake some liquid nutrtion if you cant intake more solid foods.....at leats thats what I do in general.....im the same way cant eat much solid food in fact I probably could miss a whole day without eating and not even know it....liquids keep me up there calorie wise.
i am doing that already..
indrid_cold17 said:
i am doing that already..
how much more are you asking for then? 5k/day, 6k/day, etc...? just cuious I guess...you could maybe go to the diet forum...dirk can help with mybe with foods that stimulate the appetite naturally?
indrid_cold17 said:
what can i do to increase my apetite cause usually i have a small appetite ,i am looking for something powerful.any ideas ?
I use BLACK HOLE by CONTROLLED LABS....it just came out within the last month or so. You can get it at vitamin shoppe. Works great!