Power labs anyone else heard of it?


New member
Has anyone else heard of power labs? I've been buying off the same guy for 2 years and he's always given me good stuff but he told me he's carrying a new brand that he says is g2g and that his other custs are liking it. He suggested it so I got a power labs anavar and power labs test e from him. Labels look pretty interesting and colourful. Haven't started yet. Anyone else hear about these guys?
Tnt400 was too painful for me so i ran their test enth and tren enth separately didn't have any problems. Both worked well, no complaints. Not sure what was up with the TNT though
I did the 400 as well and I could walk when I did glute it was a week swollen and my shoulders I couldn't move my arm and literally had to take time off work what would cause this anyone know just to potent
I cut the dose down I also heated it figuring it was to thick but nothing helped
Sketchy is how to describe powerlabs!!!! I bought 50 pills for my second anivar cycle and was curious so opened a cap to find almost all were empty or with just a skiff of powder... They are scammers and I
Will never buy from them again... They've fucked up my second cycle