Powerlifter Anavar Cycle Questions


New member
I'm a female powerlifter; after years of natural progress and really building up my strength, I've decided I want to focus a bit more on my physique. I just can't figure out what the best route to go about doing that is, I really have no experience with anything other than lifting heavy stuff! I started taking Ostarine and Cardarine 3 weeks ago; these are the first PEDs I've ever use. I did a really long bulk and went from ~16% to ~20% body fat. I've been cutting at 1850 calories (160 protein/50 fat/190 carbs) but went from 145 to 151, I think due to water retention related to the Ostarine.

I recently found a reliable anavar source so I have a few questions:

1) What are your thoughts on how large of a dose to take? (Usually see people saying start at 5, work up to 10 or start at 10, work up to 20; some suggest tapering down).
2) How much strength would you say to should expect to gain on cycle and how much of that is retained post cycle?
3) Do you recommend a post cycle deload week or anything like that?
4) What sort of PCT do you recommend? (I've seen recommendations of N2 ********, doing nothing, etc.)
5) Any recommendations on ideal cycle length/time between cycles?
6) Would you recommend using any SARMS in conjunction with var?