Pre cycle blood work. Do these numbers look normal?


New member
I just got my pre cycle bloodwork done. I'm 32 years old about 15% bf and 5'4" 138lbs. Do these numbers look normal?

Test 382
LH 2.9
FSH 3.6
Estradiol 23.6
hematocrit 46.9
rbc 5.08
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So does that mean I'm prone or less prone to any types of sides before I go on cycle? Would you say the numbers are good to go?
Get total test assessed again. Get blood drawn first thing in the AM when levels are peaked. Then we'll asses.
Just got retested at 8am and numbers look a lot better this time. Fasted 12 hrs beforehand as well.
Test 588
Lh 5.3
Fsh 4.6
Estradiol 19.5