Pre Cycle Blood Work Results: ALT still high after no gear for 2 years???

Dirk Diggler99

New member
A year ago I was having some gyno issues which eventually ended up leading to having gyno surgery. Before the surgery, I had labwork done. At the time I was taking letro to try and reverse my gyno.

Results from Doc.#1 from Lab #1 - Jan 2012

Everything was fine except:

ALT - 83 IU/L Reference range (according to lab): 9 to 56 IU/L
AST - 39 IU/L Reference range (according to lab): 5 to 50 IU/L

According to these results, my ALT is high, and my AST is within the "normal range"

I went to another doctor who ran blood work with a different lab:

Results from Doc.#2 from Lab #2 - March 2012

Once again, everything was fine except:

ALT - 56 IU/L Reference range (according to lab): 10 to 40 IU/L
AST - 38 IU/L Reference range (according to lab): 0 to 35 IU/L

According to these results, both my ALT and AST is slightly higher than the "normal range." I didn't tell the doctor I had run any gear since I was trying to get my surgery covered by healthcare (which I did) so she asked if I drank, I said no. She wasn't very concerned with the slightly higher than normal results.

Since I didn't confess to using any AAS, my surgeon figured the slightly high levels were due to supplements such as creatine and told me to stop using it.

It has now been almost a year since I had my surgery, and 2 years since I have run any gear and I'm looking to get back into the game. As a precaution, I decide to get pre cycle bloodwork done. I had a full male hormone panel, along with liver and kidney function tested.

Everything was fine except:

Results from Doc.3 from Lab.2 (this doc uses the same lab as my previous doc.) - April 2013

ALT - 56 IU/L Reference range (according to lab): 10 to 40 IU/L
AST - 29 IU/L Reference range (according to lab): 0 to 35 IU/L

My ALT is the exact same as it was a year ago, which according to this lab is 1.4 times high. The doctor told me that this isn't much of a concern until it gets up to around 10 times too high, however she is curious since it has been slightly high for over a year. I have used no gear during this time, only supplements such as creatine and pre workout drinks. She has ordered an ultra sound of my liver, and more blood tests to try and get to the bottom of whats going on.

Obviously, we can see that there is quite a difference between the ranges of the two labs. In my first test my AST was 39, which by Lab#1 standards is acceptable ( range of 5 to 50)... but that 39 exceeds the range of Lab #2 which is 0-35.

If we are only looking at Lab #2 test results (the last 2 tests I had done), my AST has dropped from 38, to 29 to fit within the "normal range" of 0 to 35 IU/L over the past year, however my ALT is still the exact same as it was a year ago which is 56 (ref. range 10 to 40).

Theres no question I ran orals for too long last cycle (which was 2 years ago) but I would think 2 years is more than enough to clear that up... my orals were Tbol and then later Var.

Does anyone have any advice on what to make of this?

Maybe I have an ALT that is naturally on the higher side since my AST went down but my ALT stayed the same over a year?

Is this just a matter of what is considered an "appropriate range"?

I have been waiting forever to run a cycle and it seems like its just one problem after another...

Any input on this is appreciated.
Man, there's a really great thread around here somewhere explaining that EXERCISE can elevate your liver levels significantly. If you're truly worried about your liver enzyme levels, get on some liv.52. Stuff works great and won't break the bank imo. As far as ranges go, that includes a VERY wide variety of both age and physical conditions of all men from 18-90(I think it was 90), so of course you can be slightly outside the median and still be fine.

My .02c :)