Pre-Cycle Photo


That Other Guy
I am updating my pics right now for Pre-Cycle. I have gain quality muscle each cycle have done. I also kept my body fat down and gain strength. I have a hyper active digestive system. So I like the extra boost when I cycle to help to have quality gains.
Actually I am very small about 5'8" and weigh 150lbs. I have all lean muscle.

First Cycle.
500mg Test E / 600mg EQ a week.

Second Cycle was good I got up to 179lbs. But lost most of the weight from stopping for working out over a year.

100mg Tren EOD 12 Weeks
100mg Test P EOD 12 Weeks

Now this cycle is going to be:

250mg Test E every 4 days
250mg Tren E every 4 days

Peptides also.
I always take 1/2 mL B12 and 1/2 mL Kyno at least every other day.

B12 and Kyno are mixed into my reg injections also. I put 3 mL into my delts.
Actually I am very small about 5'8" and weigh 150lbs. I have all lean muscle.

First Cycle.
500mg Test E / 600mg EQ a week.

Second Cycle was good I got up to 179lbs. But lost most of the weight from stopping for working out over a year.

100mg Tren EOD 12 Weeks
100mg Test P EOD 12 Weeks

Now this cycle is going to be:

250mg Test E every 4 days
250mg Tren E every 4 days

Peptides also.
I always take 1/2 mL B12 and 1/2 mL Kyno at least every other day.

B12 and Kyno are mixed into my reg injections also. I put 3 mL into my delts.

not to bash you bro....but you aren't that lean, and you don't have much muscle. So i wouldn't say you are all "lean muscle," as you have. Get your diet in check, and hold off on the cycle. You have a lot of room to grow natural, and you are about to start your third cycle? I highly recommend not doing it. Good luck.
not to bash you bro....but you aren't that lean, and you don't have much muscle. So i wouldn't say you are all "lean muscle," as you have. Get your diet in check, and hold off on the cycle. You have a lot of room to grow natural, and you are about to start your third cycle? I highly recommend not doing it. Good luck.
Yeah dude why are you eating? I'm a little over 5'10"s and waited til I was 180 to start. Get ur diet in check you have tons of rook to grow. What were you 140 when you started?
I had a bad diet. Due to working in Afghanistan and Iraq for over 4 years. I failed at the diet part. I am not starting anytime soon. In about six months I am going to see where I am at for the cycle. Right now my max dumb bell press is at 105 lbs per ARM for 5 reps. I really need to focus on legs. Any recommendations for leg workouts?
You got a good base bro. I agree with the others, find out what works for you naturally in terms of diet and workouts, and then apply that knowledge to a cycle. Otherwise you'll never really figure it out, and when you come off your cycle, you'll struggle again.

Also, thanks for serving!
USMC 90-96
awesome pics bro. love the food :)

with carbs, i'd go with either oats or potato. rice works too but it's easy to eat a lot of it due to sugar.
Potatos / Rice I am going to focus on for Carbs.

Also spoon full of peanut butter throughout the day. I notice that peanut butter was one of the most effective foods when I worked out.
After 2 cycles I would expect more, something is off, diet probably for sure and maybe some underdosed gear either way before you start another one get it straightened out so you can get the most out of your cycle..good luck man
Yeah I use olive oil to cook with. Better than grease in my mind lol. Olive oil with seasons to marinate overnight with chicken and steaks. Yeah my diet was fucked up. But now doing much better. Just starting off of dieting usually in first 60 days I gain from 8 to 16lbs of weight. With no gear. I just have issue maintaining diet afterwards with so much travel.