Pre Cycle Pics BF Estimate?


Hey what's up guys. I am going to be starting a Sustanon (sust) 300 500mg/wk cycle with Winstrol (winny) at the end. I'm going to try and stay under 230. I'm 215 6'1 at the moment. Wondering what you guys think my bf% is? I know you get it a lot.. I have no reason to get it tested, just curious.
any reason you want to stay under 230? You could put a lot more size on your frame without looking like a BB if thats the look your trying to go for.
Umm no reason in particular I guess. I really don't want to get the BB look going. I don't think I will tho, because I do a lot of cardio. And when I get to be like 230-240 my legs and knees don't really respond well to the cardio. I've had a lot of dudes at the gym tell me I could really big. The most I've ever done before was 250mg of test a wk and I got enormous gains off that. I went from benching 350 max to repping 405 3 times. And I know dudes who took triple what I have and didn't get shit for gains like that. Just tryin not to get too bulky, and stay as lean as I can.
any guess on my BF btw? I am guessing 12-13? That's just from what I've seen other people say on this site.
Is that your professional opinion... lol j/k man but seriously no one can give an accurate estimate from a couple of pics get it measured and you'll have a better idea.

I'll give you an accurate estimate and say 12-14%... You're not super lean and IMO you have a good place to start. To be completely honest though, from those pics you do not look to be 215lbs, just my opinion.
you think I look smaller? or bigger? Trust me, I'm 215. But honestly, I have to do tons of cardio to stay this small. I have a hard time getting to 200. But I can get up to 235-240 very easily. I assume it's just my genes. My father is 6'5 270, probably got it from him.