Pre -workoutr food advice


New member
I have people telling me alot of different things to eat pre workout. they say drink a diet coke right before or no sugars and this and that. And some of the guys im getting info from are pretty big. Any tips on whats right or wrong ...
Diet coke before? Lol

My preworkout meal is protein with complex carbs.
During and after my workout I have a shake with just dextrose and protein in it.
A diet coke? That's funny its 7 Up everyone knows that, ,ha just messing with a regular meal about a half hour before workout, chicken, rice etc after workout, right after like the car ride home have your recovery shake and then shortly after have a big meal. You can have a diet coke then if you want
Dude thats not a friend. Eat a good complex carb and protein an hour before working out. Semi simple carb immediately following your workout. like white rice, bread, bagel banana etc