Preparing My New Diet


New member
I start training on Monday again and I am just putting together my diet. The following items are what I will be consuming and Please Tell Me if im forgeting something important.

Massive amount of eggs
Lot's of Water
Cottage Cheese (fat free)
Raw Almonds
Brown Rice
100% whole wheat bread
Tuna in water
Massive amount of Chicken
Minestrone soap (for veggies)
Fat Free American Cheese (for turkey sandwhich)
Multi-Vitamins (pills)
Amino acids (pills)
Omega 3's (liquid form)
Light Olive oil (only a teaspoon every morning)
Protien shake (powder)
Glutemine (powder)
Not sure if I should even bother with fat free milk....?

So far that is all I can think of. I will be adding things as they pop up in mind. I would like you guys to give me suggestions if you think something should be added. Thanks! :biggthump
There are green pies and kidney beens in the Minestrone soap but not enough. I'm going to just eat the soap for now till I can figure out a tasteful way to eat them plain.
Get the fatfree milk if you're trying to cut down / maintain your current BF. Everything seems to be good except you can basically cut the OJ out since you're already taking a multi-vitamin, but if you just drink it for the taste, it's good stuff. The only downfall of OJ is the sugars, but if you don't mind that, then you're good to go.

Good luck.
Guess I should've used a better word than decent. I think it actually looks really good.
I pretty much regularly eat all of the stuff you have listed except for a couple of the supps. I find that when I go to the grocery store I'm buying pretty much the same stuff every week and it for the most part includes almost everything on your list.

Good luck, keep us updated.
save to oj for post workout.

get red meat.

Roast beef cold cuts are good.

Get white rice and pasta and potatoes.

I would switch to whole milk if yuo are bulking.
I apologize, I forgot the red meats! What do you guys think about eating chicken for (preworkout) meal on MWF and eating red meats (preworkout) T and Thu?