Preview of my Ostarine/Epistane/Nolva cycle


New member
Here it is, any thoughts/critiques?

*Wk 1: Ostarine 12.5, fish oil and vitamin
*Wk 2: Ostarine 12.5 (increase to 15-18mg?), fish oil and vitamin
*Wk 3: Ostarine 12.5 Cycle assist 1/2 dose, fish oil and vitamin
*Wk 4: Ostarine 12.5 Cycle assist 1/2 dose, fish oil and vitamin
*Wk 5: Cycle assist & Epi: 20 & vitamins/fish oil, CE2
*Wk 6: Cycle assist & Epi: 30 & vitamins/fish oil, CE2
*Wk 7: Cycle assist & Epi: 30 & vitamins/fish oil, CE2
*Wk 8: Cycle Assist & Epi: 40 & vitamins/fish oil, CE2
*Wk 9: Cycle Assist & nolva 20, otc pct(6,17 keto etiocholeva-3-ol 3, 17 ketoetiochol-triene) & vitamins/fish oil
*Wk 10: nolva 20, otc pct & vitamins/fish oil
*Wk 11: nolva 10, otc pct & vitamins/fish oil
*Wk 12: nolva 10, otc pct & vitamins/fish oil
*Wk 13: otc pct & erase, vitamins/fish oil
I would increase the osta to 25mg ED and add NAC on cycle and HCGenerate in PCT.

Yeah man. Bump up the osta for sure.

Pct could sure use some help, hcgenerate, unleashed/post cycle, whatever quality T booster.

I'd consider 40mg too, world of difference 30/40
Yeah man. Bump up the osta for sure.

Pct could sure use some help, hcgenerate, unleashed/post cycle, whatever quality T booster.

I'd consider 40mg too, world of difference 30/40

Ok, this is my first time trying osta so I will bump up to 25 as needed. I will also run NAC/cycle assist with it.
I forgot to mention my OTC pct also includes a mix of test boosters(tribulus, fenugreek, longifolia). Is the 6, 17 keto... A good enough AI?
My last week of epi is already at 40mg, do you suggest I go higher in week 2 or 3?
I'd go for TUDCA over NAC due to oral AAS causing obstruction of bile secretion (cholestasis). UDCA/TUDCA helps this directly.
What are your goals? If you're cutting, 12.5mg of osta is plenty to retain muscle. Especially if you're using a quality brand like Sarms Search. I've found with other brands you need to take up to 25mg to get the same effect as 12.5 mg of SS product. If you're looking to put on some mass then bump it up to 25mg. Use PSizzles discount code for 30% off sarmsearch products. SIZZLE30
What are your goals? If you're cutting, 12.5mg of osta is plenty to retain muscle. Especially if you're using a quality brand like Sarms Search. I've found with other brands you need to take up to 25mg to get the same effect as 12.5 mg of SS product. If you're looking to put on some mass then bump it up to 25mg. Use PSizzles discount code for 30% off sarmsearch products. SIZZLE30

Not from sarmsearch, but a competitor. Sorry, even with 30% off its like a 300% increase from other places. I will let you know how it goes
SS isn't twice a potent man.

Go 40 on the epi tho

i can confidently say through much experience that SS could definitely be twice as potent. There's no way some of these competitors are dosing properly. I used to be on here arguing that SS prices are crazy and theres no way to justify such a difference in price from competitors. I learned the hard way that going the cheaper route only gets you what you pay for. everyone learns eventually. you really cant beat SS
I've used them all too. Tried the cheap route and the most expensive & everyone in between.

Not going to argue with u about it. We simply disagree