price check


New member
20 vials (250/ml each) for 10 week cycle, test depot from scheering greece, $400.

This is for a friend, just checking if it is a good deal.
crazymike said:
20 vials (250/ml each) for 10 week cycle, test depot from scheering greece, $400.

This is for a friend, just checking if it is a good deal.
no way to high even for gym prices , ps you did mean amps didnt you
Yeah, amps.

That is what I figured. I have never taken the stuff nor have I got a price on it before. I had nothing to compare it to. Thanks. I will let him know that it is a rip off!
That is some serious mark up bro, let your bro know that if he doesnt get it for close to half that price, he is paying way too much