Pride: Final Conflict

fyre I was starting to fall in love with you and your wonderfual knowledge of fighting until you said you wanted wand to win!
bigdaddy22 said:
fyre I was starting to fall in love with you and your wonderfual knowledge of fighting until you said you wanted wand to win!

hehehe....sorry but Wandy is my pick for tournament winner.
Now, if for some strange reason, he doesn't win, I'd rather Rampage win over Liddell. :D
I'm starting to get excited!!!!! Bring it on!
How awesome would it be, to be there live?!?:beertoast
alright fight is over and I must say with the exception of a few fights this may be one of the best Prides I have ever seen. It was pretty sad watching crocop lose, but I am sure he will be back and kicking harder than ever ( and hopefully working on his ground game). And I have to give my props to Fyre for picking her boy Wand ( I can not satnd this guy) but h fought beautifully. Damn I wish Yoshida would had choked his ass out!!!!
Okay, for those of you that missed it, here's a quick run down of who won and who didn't.
Well, it started out with Big Daddy Goodridge taking on The Bull. That match lasted oh about one The referee stopped it due to Bull claiming he couldn't see due to the cut on his eye. So, that wasn't a very exciting match.
One of the surprising matches of the evening was the Randleman/Sakuraba fight. Wow, I can't believe Sak was able to submit Randleman. Kevin just looked like he couldn't get anything going whatsoever. So, Sakuraba wins that match up. I'm definitely impressed with Randleman's physical condition. Man, did he look amazing!
One of the highlights for me of the evening was the first round match up in the middleweight tournament. I was soooo happy to see Quinton beat Chuck Liddell. Chuck did not bring anything to the table whatsoever last night. Quinton was focussed and definitely hungry to win that prize
Ya gotta love Quinton! He just says it like it"I want that money!"
Another quick fight was the Bustamante/Henderson fight. Henderson came out looking in great shape and very sharp. That was over really fast as well with Henderson unloading with a flurry of punches to Bustamante.
I think I'm screwing the order up of these, but I guess it doesn't matter.
Next up was my guy, Wanderlei Silva taking on Yoshida. I was actually surprised that it went as long as it did! Yoshida showed great heart and determination. But of course Wanderlei advances to the final round. Yay!!!!
Now, the next match was a shocker for me to. Crocop was taking on Nogiera. I was so surprised that Nogiera was able to take Crocop down. Crocop was his usual self in the ring but Nogiera came there on a mission to stop Mirko and that's exactly what he did. The biggest surprise of the evening, Nog submits Crocop!

One sec, I need to grab a coffee and I'll be right back to finish.
Oh hey, you know what I just, there was no Heath Herring!
Okay, anyway, Quinton Jackson advances to the final round along with Wanderlei Silva. I was totally pumped about these two meeting up cuz I knew it would be a good one and that it was.
I can't believe that Rampage took like ten knees to the head in a row and was still able to throw Silva off him! Wow, his strength is amazing. But, not amazing enough for Wanderlei! The knees and the punches just kept coming!!!! Final outcome, Wanderlei Silva wins the tournament!!!
Now, one cool thing that came out last night was the official announcement from Randy Couture that he would be taking on another one of my favorites Vitor Belfort. That will be an amazing match up and I'm looking forward to it!

All in all, great ppv! Anyone else watch it and any comments?
bigdaddy22 said:
alright fight is over and I must say with the exception of a few fights this may be one of the best Prides I have ever seen. It was pretty sad watching crocop lose, but I am sure he will be back and kicking harder than ever ( and hopefully working on his ground game). And I have to give my props to Fyre for picking her boy Wand ( I can not satnd this guy) but h fought beautifully. Damn I wish Yoshida would had choked his ass out!!!!

Oh Yoshida tried to choke him out!!! Tried being the key word Damn, I was standing for that entire match! It was an excellent fight though. Yoshida was looking pretty messed up when he was in the ring at the end of the tournament. And yah, it was seeing Crocop lose, that sucked!
the ref did a better job of knocking Quinton over than did Wand. I know quinton and I was still amazed at the amount of punishment he took and he kept coming!!! After all those knees and then getting kicked while he was down he still went after wand. I was kinda dissapointed at WHEN they stopped that fight. I thought Quinton was taking a serious ass whooping earlier in the fight yet they stopped it when they did and not too much was really happening at that time (not saying it wouldnt had got worse though), they stopped it after a missed knee I believe or maybe an uppercut by wand
bigdaddy22 said:
the ref did a better job of knocking Quinton over than did Wand. I know quinton and I was still amazed at the amount of punishment he took and he kept coming!!! After all those knees and then getting kicked while he was down he still went after wand. I was kinda dissapointed at WHEN they stopped that fight. I thought Quinton was taking a serious ass whooping earlier in the fight yet they stopped it when they did and not too much was really happening at that time (not saying it wouldnt had got worse though), they stopped it after a missed knee I believe or maybe an uppercut by wand

I would have to disagree here hun. Look at Rampage's eyes in the above shot. He was out of it. Wanderlei would have just beat him senseless if they didnt' stop it.