Primo and Anavar cycle


New member
I just started the following:

Week 1-10 Primo 300mg/week
Week 2-10 Anavar(BTG Oxandrin 10mg) 20mg/day

Might add in a strong adrogen like Fina at 75mg/ED around Weeks 6-11

what do u guys think?? Any opinons??

Oh yeah my stats are 6'3", 220 lbs, 5-6% BF, 20 yrs. old
BTG makes 10mg Ox??

Cycle looks good! Dont add the fina! This is a mild cycle! Keep it that way and add the fina when your ready to go heavier!
I've be waiting to try my Primos (they're legit), plus the new 10mg BTG's, it just too tempting. Plus I now legit Primo's might not be around much longer. After this and a break I'll be hitting up a bulking cycle of Test, Deca and either d-bol at the start or Anavar near the end

BTG makes 10mg Ox??

Cycle looks good! Dont add the fina! This is a mild cycle! Keep it that way and add the fina when your ready to go heavier!

Yes, but some have argued the actual dosage is not really 10mgs., I have not tried it so I really don't know for sure.:(
Just have great connections...:) They 10mg, they just made them because it's easier for AIDS patients to take 2 pills a day instead of the usual 8 pills a day of the 2.5's. Anavar/Oxandrin is made specifically for AIDS patients
DIESEL1 said:
Just have great connections...:) They 10mg, they just made them because it's easier for AIDS patients to take 2 pills a day instead of the usual 8 pills a day of the 2.5's. Anavar/Oxandrin is made specifically for AIDS patients

Hey Diesel, I just looked at the prices of the 10mg. Ox, that shit is expensive, huh bro?
Yeah they go for at least $480 and a lot higher for a bottle of 60... But I got them a lot cheaper, have two bottles.
I cant see BTG's 10mg Ox being anything but 10mg's. They are FDA regualted!

I thought the same thing but I talked to a couple of guys who said that it was not really 10mgs., that it was way underdosed. Like I said I really don't know because I have not tried them. I wonder if there is a site to look up the lab results on them.
I got them less than that though. ..Well they come in bottles of 60, so I don't think getting 100 would be logical or legit. It would be 60( 1 bottle) or 120(2 bottles).
I thought the same thing but I talked to a couple of guys who said that it was not really 10mgs., that it was way underdosed. Like I said I really don't know because I have not tried them. I wonder if there is a site to look up the lab results on them.

They are definately 10mg, they are made in U.S. pharmacies for AIDS patients, why would they underdose them.....the guys you talked to might had fake or weaker 10mg generics...
BUFFDAWG10 said:
I thought the same thing but I talked to a couple of guys who said that it was not really 10mgs., that it was way underdosed. Like I said I really don't know because I have not tried them. I wonder if there is a site to look up the lab results on them.