primobolan or testoviron depot? help


New member
Ive been on dbol for about 4 weeks now...i think im ready to start a real cycle...ive been researching a little bit and am thinking about 2 possible types of juice i would do.... ive read that primobolan is a rather weak steroid but it also has lilttle to no side not looking to blow up huge but rather just keep the pump i feel now at the gym frm the dbols...i cant keep taking them for too much longer tho (i take only 15 mgs a much longer can i take them?)..i can also get testoviron depot locally..i believe thats the same shit as enathate..... sus looked pretty good too tho i dont htink i can get my hands on it round here..(long island).....ive been lifting for a long time...bout 3 years solid....and i eat correctly drink protein and calorie shakes..( at least 3500 cal ed) im 5'10 170lbs 7% bf.. what do you guys looking to gain a solid 10 lbs of muscle and keep it..
you might want to research more, dont do dbol only cycles. i prefer test, since primo is really expensive and very often faked. stack it with other stuff too
BigJay00 is...

...right on, need to balance the dbol with something, though you'll probably swell pretty good on that stack. Primobolan is hard to find good but if you can, I recommend it. Hard and lean, great results personally. Good luck bro. :D
right on Primo is considered one of the best but it is not made anymore unless UG labs but it is very often faked and very good at that. I would go with the testovirons just becasue of the fact that the primo might not be real but if you trust your source then go for it.
Oh boy here we go on a deca kill LOL

Deca is a good as but it will shut you down for an extended period of time It can also cause you to lose you libido and keep you from getting a erection most people do not like it I think if used in small dosages like 100 to 200/mg a week the sides will be low. If you do chose to run it throw in some test with it.
I did run a deca only cycle at 200 a week and had no problems with getting an erection but my libido was pretty much gonew I had no desire for sex or anything but I gained 10lbs and kept it on the secret with deca in my opinion is eat mad amounts of protein
Deca Durabolin causes the muscle cell to store more nitrogen than it releases so that a positive nitrogen balance is achieved. A positive nitrogen balance is synonymous with muscle growth since the muscle cell, in this phase, assimilates (accumulates) a larger amount of protein than usual. A positive nitrogen balance and the protein building effect that accompany it will occur only if enough calories and proteins are supplied.