Privatemdlabs - What tests?


New member
I am sure that this information is posted somewhere on this forum, but I was just introduced to and was wondering what type of blood work I should have done. I know I need to havean Estradiol Sensitive test done - as my Doc has never measured my levels, but as far as seeing what my T levels are, here are the options to choose from:

1) Testosterone (Free) , Serum (Equilibrium Ultrafiltration) With Total Testosterone
2) Testosterone, Free (Direct) With Total Testosterone, LC/MS-MS
3) Testosterone, Free (Direct), Serum
4) Testosterone, Free (Direct), Serum With Total Testosterone
5) Testosterone, Free and Weakly Bound
6) Testosterone, Free, Equilibrium Ultrafiltration With Total Testosterone, LC/MS-MS
7) Testosterone, Free, Mass Spectrometry/Equilibrium Dialysis
8) Testosterone, Total - Women, Children, and Hypogonadal Males, LC/MS-MS
9) Testosterone, Total, Serum

Thanks guys.
Man, we seriously need the privatemdlabs thread stickied! You want Menopause Testing - Private MD and be sure to state that you're a male at checkout. You can use the code gf5454gr9 to save 10 bucks too.

Concur on the sticky idea. I am actually the one the got the admins to create stcikies. I requested a privatemdlabs one, but for a few reasons not worth going into it didn't get posted. But perhaps we can try again. I nominated halfwit to lead the effort this time. :-)
When I am using Private MD - Buy Lab Tests Online I like to search using the word "panel". Their panels offer better pricing than ordering al la carte. The female hormone panel Halfwit listed is what I usually get. But sometimes I spring for one of the other panels when I am interested in a more comprehensive view.
Concur on the sticky idea. I am actually the one the got the admins to create stcikies. I requested a privatemdlabs one, but for a few reasons not worth going into it didn't get posted. But perhaps we can try again. I nominated halfwit to lead the effort this time. :-)

I sent a pm months ago asking this as it was originally created by a mod, but no dice. Maybe I'll pm StoneColdNTO and see if he'll do it?