Problem with testosterone propionate


New member
Hey guys,
I am taking testosterone propionate eod but i am getting fever from it.Its 37 not that much but i still feel bad.Should i stop the prop or i can continue my cycle?Will i have fever if i switch to test e?
prop is know for pip (pain at injection site ( post injection pain) . however it could be test flu . im not sure ive ever heard of it happening 2nd cycle ? but if u are just starting the cycle even your 2nd maybe its possible . fever and flu like symptoms . they should subside soon . are you very sterile and use proper technique when Injecting ?
Of course, its not about the injection i think my prop oil sucks.I injected testovis 10 propionates and didnt have problems with pain but i think it was fake :D
Of course, its not about the injection i think my prop oil sucks.I injected testovis 10 propionates and didnt have problems with pain but i think it was fake :D

brother the best prop I've ever used caused me wicked pip. certain oils I think are the culprit in my case though.
test e tends to be a lot smoother . after the first few injection you never get pip anymore . unless your going into very high dosed gear like 400mg per . even still , stuff im running now is 350mg hardly any issue , much less injections too . if u like the prop the just go for a blend for the faster kick in times .
I dont like prop because it increase my body temperature.Thats why i wanna switch the prop to test e but im not sure test e wont increase my body temperature too...
Fever is test flu it is normal and will pass. 70 % of people with get the test flu when that start a new cycle. You should be happy your not in bed. Stay the course it it isn't an infection it will pass.
yeah that's going to be kind of normal and part of it . when I had prop it was dosed 100mg per 2ml . so it was realy smooth . 0 pip . temperature raise is strange . like said above could just be initial test flu that will go away . best test e will be smoother . and pip goes away
Certainly try different gear in the future. It doesn't mean your gear is bad. Just may be your body reacting to how that particular company makes there stuff. I know there's Test Prop out there that kills me and Test prop out there that doesn't. I've gotten good results from both. I've never had Test Flu though :dunno:
So does everybody with PIP (from Prop) claim that the PIP goes away after a while? I've just started another Prop/Tren Ace cycle from a different supplier and the PIP is WAY WAY worse than in the past. It's fucking crippling. How long do you think I'll need to tough this shit out until the PIP goes away?
7 days into this cycle of Prop/Tren Ace, I feel very lethargic. At the injection site, I have PIP worse than ever. I don't remember feeling this way with my old gear. Is this normal?