Problems about using hcg for pct and suitable time for second cycle


New member
I have a couple of things to ask. First, I finished my first anabolic steroid cycle for 8.5 weeks( test + tren). My cycle is a bit short because I have no time at the moment. After taking one-week rest, I want to start my pct. I use hcg for my pct.

1) I mix 1 ml of water to 5000iu of hcg(1 vial). Then I inject all in one time? Or should I inject little by little? What is the right volume should I inject? I inject once a week? Sorry if I may sound like an idiot.

2) I have only got 2 vials. Is it enough for my pct? Please advise.

3) Can I start my second cycle 1.5 months later after finishing pct?

Please give me some advice and share with me. Thank you very much.View attachment 560363View attachment 560363
HCG is not for PCT!!!

It will keep you shut down. It is used for on cycle therapy to keep the testes responsive to Leutenizing Hormone (LH). HCG mimics your pituitary's LH signal to your testes. This keeps the testes producing testosterone. However, this artificial LH signal will still trip your brains negative feedback loop. Your pituitary gland will never start sending its natural LH signal while HCG is present. You need at a minimum a standard PCT with clomid/nolva. Read below.
Thank you everyone for answering my questions. I definitely need to do more research and find out more information before injecting anything into my body.
I am male and I am straight lol.
Don't get me wrong. Sn is meaningless.

What a dissapointment i was fantasizing about this slender woman with a fat ass who always wears white panties and lingerie pinning peptides she thought was hgh and hcg into her tight little tummy