progestron issues? lactating? what to use? HELP


New member
Hi all,

i have just come off Letro at 2.5 ED (i pyramid'd up from day 1 0.5 - day 2 1 - days 3 1.5 - days 4 2 etc etc) and stuck on it for 12days and then pyramid down as i run out.

The soreness has completly gone, itchyness has been dramatically reduced, but still have fatty tissue there and slight lactation on squeezing the gland with both nipples.

What's the best thing for this, to stop lactating for good? and dosage?

As ive come off letro should i go onto anything else?

hi all,

i have just come off letro at 2.5 ed (i pyramid'd up from day 1 0.5 - day 2 1 - days 3 1.5 - days 4 2 etc etc) and stuck on it for 12days and then pyramid down as i run out.

The soreness has completly gone, itchyness has been dramatically reduced, but still have fatty tissue there and slight lactation on squeezing the gland with both nipples.

What's the best thing for this, to stop lactating for good? And dosage?

As ive come off letro should i go onto anything else?


try an 8 week course of dostinex.
Try a search on Pramipexole. Its available from our sponsor. I added it toward the tail-end of my letro cycle (the letro only shrinking the gyno until I began tapering down from 2.5mg, which it then began growing again), and had no visible Prami success. However, I never had any lactating issues, so you might succeed where I did not.

Good luck to you.
we need these gurus to let us know what we do when things just dont work. I keep seeing them stand for the product they praise. but is there any solution? Do you guys think that after a gyno surgery everything will be like new?lol If its the only way to get rid of gyno after we try to put different chemicals in our body without great success do you think our nipples will ever stop lactating?? lol but really...

Try the prami bro. it should help a bit. I find 2.5mg of letro and working your way up between .60-.80 prami should help with the it suppose to be permanent when you stop?Thats my question..

Macro did you ever come off prami? I like this guy by the way.most of what i know about prami and letro is because everytime i google these words most of the info arround the web on this subject is his. so come back and teach us some alternative about getting rid of estrogenic sides effects(gyno,prolactin,fat deposit in bad areas,etc). i always have aromasin on hands.I hate estrogen i just like it to be balanced and kinda low .

By the way I plan on doing it without steroids. I'm at that point where steroids played a big part in my past and now I just want to get rid of the sides that i had from them... Its called muscle memory i think. dont need steroids anymore just hard work. might do one cycle every now and then but not for at least a couple years.
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Yea, after using letro etc is this permanent - as i used letro for 4weeks tapering up to 2.5mg and then back down as i was running low - it completly stopped the slight pain and itchiness - and now a good few weeks later i have a slight pain and itchyness coming back.

My lactating i would say is very minimal - i have to push the gland quiet hard and then it leaks in tiny bit

So advice please on how to get rid/reduce gyno with good effects after stopping (suicide Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for 6weeks?) and how to completly stop lactating?

Hi all,

i have just come off Letro at 2.5 ED (i pyramid'd up from day 1 0.5 - day 2 1 - days 3 1.5 - days 4 2 etc etc) and stuck on it for 12days and then pyramid down as i run out.

The soreness has completly gone, itchyness has been dramatically reduced, but still have fatty tissue there and slight lactation on squeezing the gland with both nipples.

What's the best thing for this, to stop lactating for good? and dosage?

As ive come off letro should i go onto anything else?


What caused your issues? Deca or Tren?