progress over the past 2 years


New member
been a alot of work and dedication over the past 2 years when i decided to get into shape. just got tired of hearing all the comments on how fat i got, and i have always been a pretty small framed guy.

heres the comparison pictures of when i started and 3 months later.Starting weight was 5'6" @186lbs and prob mid 20s in bodyfat. Droped down to 143lbs with a clean diet and lots of cardio.
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heres how i am current with no cardio. i been using the dorian yates blood and guts routine and been seeing pretty decent size results. i also work chest twice a week to try and get better deffinition in my chest. currently 182lbs and if i had to guess around 12%bd fat. upper abs are showing good but still have a little fat on the lower belly. With the help of our favorite uncle i think i'm going to get where i want to be
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