progress pics


I <3 |===[ | | | ]>--
first pic was taken Feb 12 2004, i weighed in at 170, at this point i had been working out for 4 months or so, gained abut 20 lbs and lost some fat as well.

Next pics were taken last week, i weighed in at 212 lbs, definatly holding water from the test cyp and dbol





do my pics work? can you guys see them? i would like some constructive criticism if possible, i know there isn't a leg pic up, but my legs are pretty damn big, i have to buy 36 inch jeans to fit my legs in there, my wait is around 32 though
From What I Can See You Need To Cut Up More ! But I Dont Know What Your Goals Were In The 1st Place !
Die$eL~Man said:
From What I Can See You Need To Cut Up More ! But I Dont Know What Your Goals Were In The 1st Place !

I agree. Sounds gay, but with your shirt on we can't tell what you look like. and some shots of your legs would help.

Why hide your body if you want constructive criticism?????????

i had my brother take those pics, he didn't want to take pics with my shirt off, he thinks im weird enough, lol. I can try to get some more pics, but it is hard photographing yourself