prohormones need help with this


New member
Ok im im 16 and im a pretty big guy im 6'4, 250 lbs. I just overall all want to get bigger and stronger. I have seen you have to matured wel, enough to take prohormones and I matured at I really young age with puberty and all that. My friends say I should take prohormones like helladrol. I would like to know if thats ok more my age in low doses? or is there anything else I could take similair to it at my age?

Any suggestions are helpful
16 is way too young , your test levels are still high enough to continue with your gainz naturally. Jut b.c your friends did it doesn't mean they did the right thing, you did the right thing by coming to the site and asking , the answer will be an accumulative NO you are too young. Whether you want to hear it or not you do not want to fuck with your hormones at 16 you could end up fucking yourself over for the rest of your life, TRT is not something you want to bring on willingly. If you are going to ignore our advice and do it anyway make sure you do research and post up a cycle to be critiqued so you don't end up with bitch tits and other serious side effects if you don't take the proper supplements.
Agreed ^^, you got lots of natty test and lots of time get as big as possible bro build up a big base and then enhance you'll be much bigger that way :D
I have friends who took prohormones at 16-17 and even with a proper pct (clomid) they had erectile problems for years. Just eat more, take more protein, creatine and lift. Enjoy your youth man, chase girls. The world of shit you can potentially cause for yourself is not worth bigger muscles now. Roids will not dissapear, they will be there for you when you are old enough for them!

Think about it
Been diabetic for 36 yrs (42 now) and worked out hard since I was 13. Didn't start doing "real" squats until my early 20s. Gains were fairly static at the time if I remember bench max was 275lb, squat the same and deadlift wasn't popular.
Then at the age of 27 I found a good article on benefits of heavy lifting for a juice free guy. By keeping reps 5 or less and set at 5 or more you will get a natural pump that is fuc*in* awesome and you will feel like you have more testosterone and you will get stronger. Use good form, keep your chin level when heavy squatting or dead lifting as to not strain the muscles run down the center of your back. Get a good belt and heavy knee wraps for some extra grunt.
It should look something like this: All heavy lifts are compound movement meaning more than 1 joint involved.
Day 1: Deadlift 3 to 5 reps for 5-8 sets. Yeah that's 40 reps with 400 lbs baby. The last rep of the last set should be tough.
Day 3: Squat 3 to 5 reps for 5-8 sets. Yeah that's 40 reps with 330 lbs baby. The last rep of the last set should be tough.
Day 5: Bench 5 reps for 5-8 sets. Yeah that's 40 reps with 300 lbs baby.
The last rep of the last set should be tough.
Do your arm extension and calf raises and all the girly stuff after the big compound stuff and warm up for a good 4 sets until you feel your natural juice flowing going with that first heavy set.
Follow this routine for a month than change it up and go lighter for a couple weeks to give your body a rest.
You will love it. 3 days per week of heavy training will maximize your natural attributes, it did for me even after training for 15 years and having diabetes & insulin for 25 years.
So after this at the ripe age of 32 yrs in my first powerlifting competion in Calgary I benched 275 lbs which sucked as i did 365lb in gym, squatted 331 lbs and deadlifted 408 lbs. In the gym I did 365 lb squat record and 440 lb deadlift record, pretty damn good for not starting this routing until the age of 27-28 yrs old. contestant patrick lockhart and weight is metric.
My opinion anyway,
You will recover faster than me and get more gains than I ever did doing this.
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