Prohormones on TRT


New member
I'm currently on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and looking for a prohormone to throw into the mix to really get the fat loss going, any suggestions? Diet and workout are on point. I've heard Ostarine is awesome but it's super expensive...
Your best choices for fat loss are anavar, Gw-501516, ECA stack, and T3...none are ph's tho. PH's are not the best for additional fat loss. If you are eating in a calorie deficit phs will mostly help retain muscle and increase strength.

Anavar (Oral AAS) is great for strength and fat loss
Gw (SARM) is great for endurance and fat loss
ECA satck (OTC) is great for appetite suppression and increase metabolism
T3 (Thyroid hormone) is great for fat loss as well
I'm currently on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and looking for a prohormone to throw into the mix to really get the fat loss going, any suggestions? Diet and workout are on point. I've heard Ostarine is awesome but it's super expensive...

ostarine is not super expensive at all... you can get a bottle at for 49.99 and that will last you 2 months dosed at 25 mg a day...
Ah...guess I didn't look too hard for a good price. Is it safe? What's a good dose for fat loss and for how long?

Also, is GW the same thing as Ostarine? If not, which one would be superior for fat loss?
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no Gw-501516 is not the same thing as Ostarine (Mk-2866)

Both are decent for fat loss. Mk you're going to get some strength increases and Gw you are going to have better endurance.

You can certainly find all the answers to your questions through a simple google search...or better yet I believe there are articles written summarizing the details of Mk and Gw in this forum
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Would these stack ok with Epistane?

Also, is a Ostarine, GW, and S4 stack crazy? If that's too much, which two would you stack together?
Lol I'm running a Epi+Mk+Gw cycle now...I'm logging it in the "My Steroid Cycle" forum and loving it so far. I wouldn't run S-4 because of the visual side effects, that shit aint for me.
haha, anyway...I ordered some S4...will start at 50mg a day split am/pm and see how it goes. I'll keep a mini log in this thread

After I run out, I might jump on GW for a bottle
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If i were to stack Epi with my S4, would I need a PCT or any liver supps? Remember, I'm on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) already.