Prolactin Gyno? will Caber reverse or reduce it?


New member
Okay guy I'm REALLY in desperate need of help here. I ran a 4 week pro hormone with trenavar and i experienced small gyno during the cycle but didn't think to much of it and figured it would go away after cycle. Well its been a while and it has not.

I got blood checked three weeks ago and estrogen was only 15 so I'm assuming this is prolactin induced gyno from the trenavar? can anyone confirm this for me?

I was thinking of trying caber to try to eliminate my prolactin as much as possible as i believe it to be the problem…

My real question is if it is indeed prolactin gyno will caber reduce or reverse it?
Somebody out there has to have some insight on this?

Idk if i should try caber, can it reduce or reverse the lumps formed under the nipple from trenavar which has to be prolactin related because my estrogen is low...
Are you leaking or does liquid come out of you squeeze them?
Probable regular Gyno from not controlling estrogen, now it's hardened and you need Surgery
I had a similar with Tren Xtreme cycles. What helped me was the combo of letro and caber. Very expensive but it worked. Be extra careful tapering off letro to avoid issues there. I followed with clomid to be sure.
Not leaking and i was pretty sure that it was not estrogen related because i got tested and had estrogen levels at 15 and dry joints***8230;.. i was thinking it was prolactin related then, is this correct? the compounds i ran apparently did not convert to estrogen (trenavar/epistane) but ya i may try caber i heard it can reverse prolactin induced gyno lumps and improve sex drive which is rather low currently
According to my research it is testosterone that aromatizes to estrogen after interaction with the enzyme aromatase. Adipose tissue (fat) is one of the places in your body that aromatase comes from. I am curious. Why don't you get bloodwork done to find out prolactin levels?
Take the caber at .5mg everyday or EOD. Start at 1mg for Letro and workout to 2mg. Once things begin to get better start tapering down, and off it.

This whole process should take 3.5-5wks. Caber will makeu wana fuk anything with a skirt that walks, Letro will totally kill ur libido.

So if things downstairs down work right this is why. U will return to normal shortly after stopping both.