Prolonged prolactin after cycle?


New member
Been off cycle for 4 weeks now 12 days into pct and still have prolactin... Started using prami yesterday just wondering if this is normal or if I should be worried? Used AI hcg whole cycle... Cycle was 750mg test e weekly 600mg eq weekly then tren e 6 weeks at 400mg... I don't think it's gyno no bumps around nipples and definitely don't look like any of the google images i saw...

200 pounds
20-25% bf right now
Do you have blood work showing the prolactin levels were raised? Otherwise it's just guessing are you having libido issue or are you lactating?
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What makes you think it's prolactin? They leaking and you can't get an erection/keep an erection even though you're as horny as a toad?
How much AI were you using.. Your BF% was very high going into this,, u may have aromatizes like a murther F'er and prolactin snuck in and showed it's ugly head.. Sometimes running a small dose prami as an insurance policy against prolactin is not a bad idea,, but I'm guessing your AI wasn't dosed high enough to begin with
Arimidex .25 every 2 days
Dick gets hard and stays hard just nipples leaking very slightly when pinched.. Not a lot

Playing with perfectly healthy nipples can cause discharge. Leave em alone - if your dick's working fine, I doubt it's from prolactin. ;)
Your estro was high and thats why you leaked if you did leak i hate reading. I dont tell people this because they probably have scientific proof im wrong lol but not long ago i was running alot of test to see if i can handle it this time around.

i was noticing in the mirror water retention vut kept going then one morning noticed my nipple a little shiny. I barely pinched it and a small drop came out. I didnt use prami or caber i used letro because i knew the reason i got a leak was cuz i let estro build up Wich in return gives you progester whatever its called. In less than a week no more leak body looks dry again