Prop Anavar (var) cycle? opinions appreciated!


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Prop var cycle? opinions appreciated!

Looking to do a prop Anavar (var) cycle and was wondering your guys input on this.

weeks 1-10
test prop (pinnacle labs) 220mg EOD

weeks 2-10
Anavar (var) (pinnacle labs) 80-100mgs ED

Arimidex .5mg ED

pct clomid 100mgs a day 4 weeks and continue to run the arimidex at .5 thru pct or stop cycle ending?

I did a previous cycle which you can see in my previous threads and yielded great results but got called into a situation where i had no option for good food intake and botched my pct (military) but im out now. kept some gains but not what i wanted out of it. basically lost alot of weight but remained lean. Im in a situation now to where i can do a nice solid cycle and complete everything.
What are your stats (age, height, weight, bodyfat), workout experience, nutrition, and cycle history?

But I wouldn't run Anavar (var) longer than 6 weeks in my opinion and you need to read the threads dealing with estrogen, and post cycle therapy (pct). Anyone can tell you but it won't help you whenever it comes time to execute.
I understand post cycle therapy (pct), and aswell as estrogen. I just see most people at 150mg EOD and wanted to really know if 220 EOD is overkill. Ive never had a side effect that i know of and according to my doc im in perfect physical health. Had bloods done previously (3 weeks) total test was a lil low but i also have been deemed 50/50 sterile when i was 20. no previous cycle history prior to that diagnosis.
nah dont think 220EOD would be overkill, altough i would reccomend to start at 150 and go up to 220 so you can see how you will react to it.
also.. more prop = more pain, keep that in mind lol. and isnt .5mg arimidex alot? i would consider using .25mg or .12,5 and uppen it when needed.
i almost used the same cycle, but a little lower 200mg prop eod and 60mg var, its a very good combo IMO.
i would stop Aromatase inhibitor (AI) when PCT starts cause nolva/clomid blocks the estrogen receptors and increase natural androgen. but everyone is diffrent, i dont know how phrone you are to E sides

Best of luck bro
I havent had E sides before, maybe puffy nips but that went away very easily. I will take your advice and lower the arimidex dose since i can always up it. Im on my third shot tomorrow and there is some pip involved but its manageable. Pinnacle seems to be pretty mild on the pip. You think clomid at 100/100/100/100 would be suffice. I had Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) last time and plan to get some before the middle of my cycle and doing a blast.