prop experts,about holdin water

BigSoda said:
So what is the proof or logic behind everyone sayin prop makes u hold less water?

Probably becuase your levels don't get as high in the blood, not sure. I hold just as much on prop, I think most say they don't hold much is because you are usually on a low carb diet, and as we all know that has a great deal to due with water retention.
Do not know how to explain it, but when I am on prop I stay much leaner. ON Enan I hold so much water you can stick a spicket in my ass and water will come out.
BigSoda said:
So what is the proof or logic behind everyone sayin prop makes u hold less water?

I may be wrong but I think that it has to do with the length of the ester being short which results in less aromitazation which in turn results in less water retention