Prop/mast (winstrol) 12 week cycle advice


New member
26years old
6' 228lbs 14-16%bf
5th cycle
Training for 6 years (4 intense) I lIke my size and strength I'm trying to lean out. I eat somewhere around 2500 cals. 20-40 min cardio per day. I definitely overtrain. Natty for about 2 years after last cycle.


12 weeks
150 mg test prop eod (600mg weekly)
100mg mast prop eod
Adex .25 eod if I need it
Clomid 100/50/50/50 3 days after last t injection
Nolvadex 20/20/20/20 3 days after ??????
I know hardeners work best around 10%bf I like mast for the AI properties but mostly it's the perfect amount of aggression so far my favorite drug.

My question is that I want to try winstrol for the last 6 weeks of my cycle. I'm not even going to bother if I'm over 10% the plan was to be under 12% in a month and start my cycle ***128527; But I got impatient. I'm 6 days into the cycle currently. Any feedback is greatly appreciated I'm open to any suggestions from anyone with more experience. Gyno prone even with low bf

First 3 cycles test e only (8-12) weeks (500-600mg) per week

4th cycle test p (100mg) eod tren (100mg) eod "couldn't handle the aggression 6 weeks in so I stopped the tren" mast (100mg) eod

First cycle I was clueless and didn't run an AI had anastrozole at hand and zapped it w .25++ more if it worsened. Gotten away with pct clomid 100/50/50/50 some tribulus.

3D cycle I got gyno pretty badly and moved up to letro to kill the beast.
Doo you know what an AI is used for? Huh. You have it on hand for what? Mast is not an AI, It doesn't control your Estrogen at all. Are you aware of the sides of High or Low Estrogen. You need to do more reading on Estrogen and Prolactin, a great article in the sticky's you need to not just take someone's word on what to take. How do you know the guy knows his stuff. So you are Gyno prone! when do you plan to take your AI, after you see Gyno? ???

Do you know what you want Winstrol for or what it is really used for? It doesn't lean you out your diet does. Please top and hit the books.