Prop, T-bol, Var & Winny Cycle - 1st time poster


New member
First time poster, first cycle, long time lurker :D Really excited to hear your input

Age: 24
Height: 1.74m
Weight: 69kg, sub 14% BF, guess is 10%
Lifting experience: 3 years
Dieting experience: Read loads about nutrition the last 3 years, very clued up
Lifting routine throughout cycle: 4 day split, shaped to take advantage of the cycle and work on my weak body parts. I do cardio on rest days though; don’t see me dropping that as I think cardiovascular fitness and all the other benefits are important. Will do: 2 lifting days, 1 off day, 2 lifting days, 1 off day. Repeat.
Diet: I do IF out of habit and have seen good results with it. Will be carb-cycling (becomes second nature I guess) and calorie cycling to take advantage of both lifting and rest days. Worked out to 2500cals on carb-up days, 2000 cals on regular lifting days, sub 1600 cals for rest/ cardio days. Thinking I should add more food on lifting days.
Goals: Quality, retainable mass. There are tons of other cycles I do to get ridiculously massive I know, but I want the economy of retaining muscle so I don’t have to fork out a gold mine fighting sides and loosing it afterwards.
Constraints: Only be able to pin for 8 weeks. I will be on leave as I work abroad. Traveling with Clomid and Nolva can be done but injections isn’t an option. That is also why I opted for test prop, less time to wait for PCT.

Cycle as follows:
Week 1-8: Test prop 150mg E3D
Week 1-4: T-bol 40mg ED
Week 7- PCT: Var 40mg ED, Winny 20mg ED
Week 1-8: HCG 100ui E3D
Week 1-PCT: Proviron 40mg ED

PCT: 14 days Clomid 50mg, followed by 30 days Nolvadex 20mg
AI: Aromasin on hand

My question as follows
1) Is the HCG really necessary given that Proviron is included in the cycle? Or should I increase Prov and plain forget about the HCG?
2) And am I correct in using the AI this way? I have read so many contradictory things. Will things like gyno and water retention be a problem considering the Prov and strict dieting?

Thanks in advance for any comments guys
I would love to, and prefer to do a test only cycle. There are reasons why this is advocated everywhere respectable. I understand this completely. Don***8217;t doubt that I***8217;m not aware of that.I work abroad and I***8217;ll be back and able to cycle for about 8-12 weeks. That***8217;s why I need to do a short ester cycle like prop where PCT starts earlier. That***8217;s also the reason for wanting to do a milder cycle that leans towards less sides and less intense PCT. Once I***8217;m out of my home country, I have no resources to fix any persisting problems like gyno. I pick up fat rather easily, so staying lean is a big priority in my life. Thus I understand how my body reacts to exercise and nutrition and will have my own plan regarding those two nailed. Getting fat easily and gear means nothing like D-bol or tons of test (especially Cyp), which unfortunately is a obvious first cycle ***8216;cause you will get swole I***8217;m sure. Thanks for the advice anyway Rida5d, but advice is quiet generic and as I said above, I would prefer to do a test only cycle anyway, but I believe I can achieve my goals better with this tweak.

Question, low dose both Var and Winny, or higher dose either Var or Winny?