Proper Cardio Intensity?


New member
I'm two weeks into a 20-week cutting cycle. I'm doing cardio in the a.m. on an empty stomach, 5x a week. Last week, only 25 min. This week, 35 min. Next week, probably 40 min. What's the best heart range for losing fat? I hear lots of experienced guys talk about just hitting the cardio as intensely as you can handle. But in terms of physiology, supposedly if you get too intense you just use glucose, right? Is this not a factor when done first thing in the morning on an empty stomach?

I've been keeping the heart rate around 140, but my "instinct" is to simply work harder to burn more fat.
Longer, not harder when it comes to fat burning. Harder tells the body to dump useless mass, i.e. muscular tissue.

Marathoners run 5-6 minute miles for 26 miles straight, take a look at them and ask yourself if thats what you want. Slow your pace down and keep it to 30-60 minutes.
Mudge said:
Longer, not harder when it comes to fat burning. Harder tells the body to dump useless mass, i.e. muscular tissue.

What about sprinters??? shorter and faster. i wouldnt say that but doing it that way that they dump a lot of muscle mass