Proper Test E only cycle?


Mini Rocky
I am possibly thinking of starting my Test-E only cycle in the next 3 months. I've been lifting for close to two years, this year more serious. I am close to 11% BF, but still trying to cut down to 8% before bulking up. I lift 5 times a week, with 3 times of HIIT session. Eating a proper diet, and using IF.

For my cycle I was thinking of lifting 3 times a week. Mon, Wed, Friday with HIIT on Mon, and Friday.

For my cycle I was going to do 2 shots a week of Test-E 250mg Mon, and Thurs. Most places I see are supplying enough where it'd last 15 weeks.
During the cycle I was thinking of taking Armidex .25mg everyday the whole cycle.
And 2 weeks after last injection taking Clomid everyday 50mg for 4 weeks.
Have you ever taken any DS/AAS before this? How many weeks are you planning on running Test E? Height and weight? You mentioned your source sells for as much as 15 weeks worth, so I assume you're planning a 12-16 week cycle.

Most preferred Test E Cycle for beginners:
Wk 01-12: Test E 500mg/wk (250mg Mon & Thurs)
Wk 13-15: Nothing
Wk 16-20: post cycle therapy (pct) (Nolva 40/40/20/20 or Clomid 50/50/50/50 or BOTH)

Unless you know you're gyno prone, I'd save the Arimidex in case anything flares up. You could always drop it in your cycle at 0.25mg EOD if anything happens. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) probably won't be needed, but it's good to have on hand even on a Test Only cycle like this. Most recommend Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at 500IU/wk.

If you decide to use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and Adex throughout then it should look like this:
Wk 01-12: Test E 500mg/wk (250mg Mon & Thurs)
Wk 02-14: Armidex .25mg EOD & Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500IU/wk
Wk 14-18: post cycle therapy (pct) (Nolva 40/40/20/20 or Clomid 50/50/50/50 or BOTH)

Hope this helps you out a bit. Try reading the various stickies on these forums to get a better idea of how to plan everything out as well. Good luck man.

~~Anyone else with experience or more knowledge, feel free to call me an idiot and help this guy out.~~