Protein Digestion rate............


Olympian Bodybuilder
I've heard it to be no more than 35g in one sitting and then 50g. Which is it ? I also heard that only 1g per pound of body weight daily is sufficient , that 2g per pound is a myth.
Its neither dude, I wish people would not say such ignorant things.

Do you really believe Ronnie Coleman and some 5 year old girl both have bodies that magically follow some rule like that?


Either way, if some protein converts to glucose for energy use BIG DEAL. If you lack protein, you lack positive nitrogen retention, now we have a big deal because this means lack of gains.
I feel after eating 250 plus grams of protein Ed for the last 4 years I've built up a larger abiltiy to digest protein in a sitting.

Everyone is different and I don't think there is a way for us really to find out. I personally feel though that when I put down 50-60 My body is using it completely especially if I havent ate for an hour or two.
I eate 5000-5500 calories per day and obut(255.Gain Fast 3100,Ultra Whey Pro ) 3g per pound on my OFF days i eate 1g1.5 per pound.
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Ok guys, this is a reply I made on another board to a question regarding how much protein should be consumed per kg of body weight. There were lots of replies but it all got a little confusing so I thoght I would stick my big 'know it all' nose in LOL

Also there have been a lot of guys asking similar questions on this board.

So here it is...

Ok, I know I'm new here but I do have about a decade of bodybuilding experience behind me and nutrition is my main interest within the sport.

I have spent years trying to find out the magic number so to speak. There is no such thing.

If you truely want to find out the best type or style of mutrition, you must first realise that we are all different individuals and this means that we all have specific needs to suit ourselves.

There are so many different ideas on amount of protien intake but I believe that it also depends on the ammount of other nutrients consumed as well!

What I mean is that in my experience it all comes down to the over all kcals consumed. If your not bothered on the amount of body fat gained then by all means, eat big, making sure you cover all the macronutrient bases. My guess is that as most guys want to gain the most LBM they can without sacrificing condition. This is a different matter!

We all need a specific amount of kcals to grow depending on lots of personal variables.
Level of daily activity....the list goes on. Not only are our kcals a unique requirment but also the ratios of P/C/F. If we are insulin sensative then we may require higher carbs and lower fats. Those of us who arnt so insulin sensative may require the opposite.

So get back to the protein I hear you scream. Well my point is that we must all take the time to work out what works for us individualy. This has taken me years to fine tune and always am I striving to improve things for myself. As I have grown over the years my nutrient requirements have changed drasticaly. Patience is the key.

A good friend of mine just won the EFBB middle weight Britain in october and he takes in no more than 250gms of protein and weighed 79kg on stage. This works out to be around 3gms of protein per kg of LBM. Another mate of mine weighs 120kg on stage and he consumes over 600g of protein which works out to be over 5g per kilo of bodyweight.

You see here, two men of very different hights and weights using very different amounts of protein per kilo of lean body mass.

I would sugest you start with an even split of P/C/F ratios. Thats a 33/33/33 split of over all kcals, not grams. Now you can work from there, adjusting the ratios and amounts as you go.

A 200lb man in reasonable shape should start with 250-300g of protien as a guide line. His carbs should then be of an equal amount. This means that the fats should be around 100-130gms due to fats containing more kcals per gram.

Remember to make your kcals count. This means keeping them nutrient dense or high quality if you like.

Proteins should be from quality whole foods such as chicken, beef, fish and eggs with a supplement of your favourite whey powder(dont rely too heavily on powders)

Low GI carbs are better kept to the first two thirds of the day with the exception of post work out where a high GI alternative can be used. I would suggest litle or no carbs up to 3 hours before bed.

Fats are massively important and a omega 3,6&9 oil blend is an excelent choice. Nuts, avacardo pears and again fatty fishes such as salmon as well as the fat in egg yolks are all great. Dont worry about cholesterol too much as long as your not eating too many processed fats. Cholesterol helps make testosterone anyway.

Some guys adopt a nutrient partitioning aproach which is along the lines of P/F meals seperate from P/C an any given day. The amounts of different meals eaten also varies on how insulin sensative you are. The reasoning behind seperating fats and carbs is to prevent tri-glicerides (spelling?) which cause us to get fat. This way we can consume large quantities of carbs and fats with not too much bad effect.

I know the question was on protein intake but I'm a firm believer of looking at the whole picture.

Once we put ideas like this into practice, we are well on the way to a better understanding of our own bodies nedds as well as getting massive!

Right, my rant is over but remember its only my oppinion and in no way is written in stone or meant to overshadow what others on this board believe.
Your body adapts to specific imposed demands. So if you constantly challenge your body to process more protein it will become more efficient at it. Those who consume more protein are also more efficient at using protein as a source of energy.