Protein Enhances Weightloss

high protein

EGGS are the standard that all proteins are measured against because eggs contain the best configured amino acid configuration that most closely fits your ideal protein digestion curve

when I was 24 years old, I gained thirty pounds in one year, stayed lean at the time, on a very high protein, lower carb diet. I was not taking any supplements at the time, and my energy was way down with the low carb level.however, I was never as lean as I was on that diet plan. I was very sick of eggs I'll tell you that, but I also must mention I lowered my reps and trained heavier, which definitely helped. good luck.
I have to disagree with this study. All macronutrients are not created equal. Bread or biscuits are both highly refined with almost not micronutrients. White rice and potatoes are very nutrient dense either. Most breads aren't much better than a cookie. If those carbs were in the form of fresh fruit, the results would likely be significantly different.

Macronutrients are what everyone focuses on, but most people ignore micronutrients. Numerous studies show that people who eat a high-carb, plant-based, whole-foods diet have the healthiest bmi's. In fact, a study of Americans showed that the only group with BMI's in the normal range were those on a plant-based diet. Type of vegetarian diet, body weight, and prev... [Diabetes Care. 2009] - PubMed - NCBI

I lost 80 pounds eating a high-carb, whole-foods, diet.
I can agree with this, protien makes me fuller and I am obtaining my macronutrients with less carbs which is important to me since I put on fat fast. I am currently researching if a protien shake or obtaining protien from food is one in the same. I will post my findings because I bet its a question that others may not have thought about such as myself and it would be nice to know for sure.
Hmmm I wonder about something on this topic..

Is the type of protein more of the issue when losing weight? Such as eating meats which causes you to use and make enzymes to digest it as opposed to let's say raw nuts that already have all the enzymes intact. Being a Lacto-Vegetarian this could be important information. It takes a lot of energy to digest a piece of meat as opposed to other sources of protein in the vegetarian isle. I myself use cottage cheese a lot to acquire my protein requirements. Would be interesting to see a future test with that kind of difference in mind.

***EDIT*** Just realized this is a very old thread... Sorry!