Protein Tabs?!?!


New member
Whats happen'n guys..
ive searched the boards, as well as the net, and I cant find anything about it...

the guy im working with has a bottle of protein tabs.

its made by LLorens pharmacutical corps. the product is called proteinex tablets

description - Contains all the essential amino acids in a 100% utilizable form, wich is rapidly absorbed, providing a positive nitrogen balance

what do u guys think about it...could it benifit you in daily consumption? or just a waste of $$. the sticker has 25bucks on the bottle cap

$25 for a bottle or protein caps. lol. Damn, I should buy some cheap protein and make some caps. Easy money, apparently.
the pills are probably at best 700mg of protein. I take anough fucking pills and don't need to be taking 150 extra pills just to get 100 grams of protein.