gosh...women moderators are the best!!
ok, well, as for right now, supplement wise, i only take creatine before and after my night work out (i work out in the am before work, then afternoon after work...my am workout is smaller, just to get me pumped for the day..my afternoon workout is about 1 1/2hours long)
as of right now, i have not gotten my cycle (which is 10 weeks of 250mg per week of sustanon [test 250]) so i have not started my diet yet..
as of right now, i will eat a bowl of cereal in the am...
eat a sandwich or can of tuna before work
at work ill eat a chicken breast, mashed potatoes and carrots/brocolli,piece of cornbread and make a cookie..(at my work, lunch is provided, this is the typical lunch though)
then i go home, probably eat some chips or something, then ill eat something kind of "fuller"..like tuna or some kind of meat/fish before a workout...
then i take creatine, workout, come home and take more creatine, then i eat if im hungry..usually ill eat something before bed...a small snack.
when mycycle comes in, im planning on having around 5-6 small meals daily w/ shakes during or in the middle of the meals....ill probably wake up and have a shake before i work out for one meal, probably add some oatmeal with it.....
hope this covers what yall need..
thanks so much for the help, you guys are awesome!
thank you,