protien and mass gainer question

  • Thread starter Thread starter BiggerThanU
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ok, i am 5'10 240lbs...but im not all strong, but, my question is...if i am overloading on protien for mass and eating a lot when i start my cycle,...will this make me bigger in fat, or will it make me bigger in muscle?
many posts ive seen have people that are small, trying to get big....but im big, trying to get more mass and muscular
please help and let me know what i need to do.
im gonna take around 1.5-2 grams per bodyweight...(meaning about 500 aday)
hypothetically, is it ok for me to stay high on protien, but not really watch any other aspect of a diet?, eat like a horse for protien, but not really watch fats?....w/ my cycle, will i still gain fat weight?? also, even if i do stay w/in the suggested diet for my cycle, will i lose/gain/or stay the same in my stomach? keep in mind, im 5'10, 240lbs, but like 28% bf, or more....
hmmm well I dont have any experience with AS so Im not sure...
if your at 28%bf, if thats accurate..I think Id reccomend cutting first before you aim to bulk up.
IMO its best to keep your diet clean even while bulking in order to optimize growth with proper nutrients and also limit fat gains as much as possible.
about the cutting cycles....i thought that you would have to harden up your fat to muscle before you cut.....or can you go from like, having a gut, to being cut? (pardon the rap song i just made..haha)
You need to decide whether you want to bulk or cut?
You do certainly want to keep your protein high but you do need to monitor the amount and types of fats and/or carbs you are taking in as well. If you don't monitor this you will indeed put some more fat on.
What I would suggest doing is to simply keep your protein at 1.5g per body pound, and divide that number amongst your meals for the day. This should be between six and eight meals a day. Now, keep in mind, these are not huge meals.
In terms of carbs, don't eat mass amounts at one sitting but split it up throughout the day as well. Use clean sources of complex carbs such as yams, potatoes, oatmeal and rice.
You should definitely be supplementing your diet with some flax oil as well.
May I ask what your cycle is going to consist of?
I have a suggestion Biggerthanu. Perhaps write down for us a sample eating plan of how you are eating now. We can work from that.:)
gosh...women moderators are the best!!
ok, well, as for right now, supplement wise, i only take creatine before and after my night work out (i work out in the am before work, then afternoon after am workout is smaller, just to get me pumped for the afternoon workout is about 1 1/2hours long)
as of right now, i have not gotten my cycle (which is 10 weeks of 250mg per week of sustanon [test 250]) so i have not started my diet yet..
as of right now, i will eat a bowl of cereal in the am...
eat a sandwich or can of tuna before work
at work ill eat a chicken breast, mashed potatoes and carrots/brocolli,piece of cornbread and make a cookie..(at my work, lunch is provided, this is the typical lunch though)
then i go home, probably eat some chips or something, then ill eat something kind of "fuller" tuna or some kind of meat/fish before a workout...
then i take creatine, workout, come home and take more creatine, then i eat if im hungry..usually ill eat something before bed...a small snack.
when mycycle comes in, im planning on having around 5-6 small meals daily w/ shakes during or in the middle of the meals....ill probably wake up and have a shake before i work out for one meal, probably add some oatmeal with it.....
hope this covers what yall need..
thanks so much for the help, you guys are awesome!
thank you,
BiggerThanU said:
gosh...women moderators are the best!!
ok, well, as for right now, supplement wise, i only take creatine before and after my night work out (i work out in the am before work, then afternoon after am workout is smaller, just to get me pumped for the afternoon workout is about 1 1/2hours long)
as of right now, i have not gotten my cycle (which is 10 weeks of 250mg per week of sustanon [test 250]) so i have not started my diet yet..
as of right now, i will eat a bowl of cereal in the am...
eat a sandwich or can of tuna before work
at work ill eat a chicken breast, mashed potatoes and carrots/brocolli,piece of cornbread and make a cookie..(at my work, lunch is provided, this is the typical lunch though)
then i go home, probably eat some chips or something, then ill eat something kind of "fuller" tuna or some kind of meat/fish before a workout...
then i take creatine, workout, come home and take more creatine, then i eat if im hungry..usually ill eat something before bed...a small snack.
when mycycle comes in, im planning on having around 5-6 small meals daily w/ shakes during or in the middle of the meals....ill probably wake up and have a shake before i work out for one meal, probably add some oatmeal with it.....
hope this covers what yall need..
thanks so much for the help, you guys are awesome!
thank you,

lol...well we try!:D
Okay first question, is your Creatine a dextrose creatine blend? Or are you using just the straight creatine monohydrate? If you're using the straight creatine monohydrate, be sure to pick up some dextrose and take in 50-100g of dextrose immediately following your workout. I mix mine right in my protein shake.
Second question is can you give us an idea of what your training schedule looks like. You are training twice a day? Any reason why?

Okay, so for your breakfast, eat your oatmeal and add in a protein shake or some egg whites.
the tuna is good before work, you may want to have a sweet potato with it or some rice.
Next meal is fine, save the and well we'll let u have the
We'll get rid of the chips
It's okay to have some protein before you train but remember to take in some carbs as well.(in your preworkout meal)
Your post workout meal should consist of like I said protein and at least 50g of dextrose but I'd go higher.
You want to eat again within an 1-1/2 hours of that post workout shake.(we're still refuelling)
Then before bed, some cottage cheese and some EFA's and you'll be good to go.
I should mention that you should also be supplementing your diet with some good fats whether they come from flax oil, salmon, fish oils or actually fatty fish.
Hmmm...did I leave anything out?
Good reply fyre
May i just add to that:

Make sure you're drinking at least 4ltrs of water a day
Make sure you're taking a decent multi vit/mineral supplement

and don't forget your veggies :) try to have them for at least 2 or 3 of your meals, good choices are greens, spinach and cruciferous veggies like brocolli!
Babyfaced Assassin said:
Good reply fyre
May i just add to that:

Make sure you're drinking at least 4ltrs of water a day
Make sure you're taking a decent multi vit/mineral supplement

and don't forget your veggies :) try to have them for at least 2 or 3 of your meals, good choices are greens, spinach and cruciferous veggies like brocolli!

Good addition hun! ;)
Vitamins A: 3500 i.u.
C: 60mg
D 400 i.u.
E 30 iu
K 25mcg
Thamin(b1) 1.5 mcg
Riboflavin(b2) 1.7mcg
Niacin 20 mcg
B6 2 mg
Folic acid 400 mcg
B12 6mcg
Biotin 30 mcg
Pantothenic Acid 10 mg
Calcium 162 mcg
Iron 18 mg
Phosphorus 109 mg
Iodine 150 mcg
Magnesium 100mcg
Zinc 15mg
Selenium 20mcg
Copper 2mg
Manganese 2mg
Chromium 120mcg
Molybdenum 75mcg
Chloride 72mcg
Potassium 80 mg
Boron 150 mcg
Nickel 5 mcg
Silicon 2 mg
Tin 10 mcg
Vandium 19mcg
Lutein 250 mcg
Lycopene 300mcg

Here you go, sry, alot to type.
thanks a lot you guys(i mean girls! lol) ha......thanks so much for the diet plan....
i am just taking the creatine mono...but ill add what you said to it...
also, hardbody,, equate sucks man.....i would suggest the gnc multivitamin..its 40 bucks, but its worth it....time released and stuff,, compared to your vitamin, would have to be popping those everyday like candy...literally, youd have to take 2 of your pills every other hour or check out the multivitamin by GNC,its a good buy.....
and i workout twice a day one just b/c i love working out..and two, i do it in the morning, just to get a good start for the day....and i dont burn out too hard, and even if i do, by the time i go back at night, im already feeling fine i figured two work outs are good for me! let me know what yall think
thanks again!
HardBody said:
Vitamins A: 3500 i.u.
C: 60mg
D 400 i.u.
E 30 iu
K 25mcg
Thamin(b1) 1.5 mcg
Riboflavin(b2) 1.7mcg
Niacin 20 mcg
B6 2 mg
Folic acid 400 mcg
B12 6mcg
Biotin 30 mcg
Pantothenic Acid 10 mg
Calcium 162 mcg
Iron 18 mg
Phosphorus 109 mg
Iodine 150 mcg
Magnesium 100mcg
Zinc 15mg
Selenium 20mcg
Copper 2mg
Manganese 2mg
Chromium 120mcg
Molybdenum 75mcg
Chloride 72mcg
Potassium 80 mg
Boron 150 mcg
Nickel 5 mcg
Silicon 2 mg
Tin 10 mcg
Vandium 19mcg
Lutein 250 mcg
Lycopene 300mcg

Here you go, sry, alot to type.

thanks for typing that out hun. If you are going take this as a mulit vitamin, I would suggest taking an additional B-complex on top of it as well and also more Vitamin C. :)