Proviron question


Competing soon...
Proviron is widely used androgen in precontest period for its great effects: muscle hardness, getting rid of extracellular water, fat burning and similar. My question is: can proviron help NATURAL bodybuilder in his precontest period (muscle hardness and other positive effects)?
vados said:
Sure it can, but im missing the point of being natural then....

Yeah you are right.. but natural guys dont use anabolic androgenic steroids because of their side effecst, and we all know that proviron is only androgenic steroid which almost doesnt have any negative side effects if taken in normal dosages under 100mg/day.
But still thanks for the answer! :druggie:
It depends how natural your definition is. Hey, some vegetarianms only eat veggies that grow UNDER the ground: NOTHING ELSE; Everybody else is considered non-veg. Nothing has serious side effects if used in moderation; everything does when used in excess.