Puffy eyes and anavar



Hi ladies
Just started anavar...noticed my eyes are getting a little puffy. It's only day 5. Any thoughts? Dehydration or just the var?
It's most likely water retention, it usually starts about day 5. Make sure you are on a very low dose...like at least 5mg/day, and as Mrs. P says ^^^ water to pee it off

it sounds like edema. Google it and get more info.. Sometimes it gets way worse and you need to see a doc.. To much salty foods while on anavar can cause it.
Running Var

I have run Anavar (var) a few times and my experience as a female with any cycle stacked or not is water is key. I aim for a gallon to two gallons daily to ward off retention of fluids. How much Anavar (var) are you taking and how are you taking it?