puffy nipples please help


New member
im on week 11 next week will be the last week of my cycle
this how my cycle went..

1-12 TEST E 500mg EW [two injection 250mg each]
1-8 arimidex 0.5mg X2 a week
didnt took arimidex for 2 week... yea im stupid..
10-12 arimidex 0.5mg X2 a week..
nolva after 18 days from last injection

now.. i have a question..
i dont know if i had it before or im just paranoid..
i think i have a puffy nipples... my friend told me it almost imposible with that dose of test with the AI that i took from the begining..
i dont have any itch..
i dont have sensitivity..
i dont have lump...
i dont have pain..

start at 11% BF 84KG
now around 13-14% BF 96KG
if it matters..

i read the "DO I HAVE GYNO" artical and it say it can be alot of reason for puffy nip and usually it goes away..
but i need your opinion..

my nipples are pertrude slightly,they are pointing a bit...
and im scared.. please tell me your opinion..

im thinking about taking nolva for couple of days just to be sure..

btw what is the best solution for puffy nips nolva?
Best solution? Just relax and it will go away.

Now that you have had more than enough time to get blood work can you share with us your estradiol results?