
justin. he was kicked off animals board for being stupid. he is agreeing with me now to a degree. i argued with him about autoclaving a couple of months ago and he said you could only autoclave powders. dumbass. he is right now on autoclaving. it is for aqueous solutions.

he also said BA is a must for sterilization, in oil and water. dumbass. i showed him the data and he still argued. ba, and he said it, is a Bacteriostatic agent. here is the definition of that "inhibition of the growth of bacteria without destruction". he is such a dumbass. now, and i have posted it here as well, ba in conjunction with autoclaving is effective for aqueous solutions. for oil solutions ba is useless as a sterilizing agent. i posted the process for heat sterization in a sticky in this forum for oily solutions. justin is the guy that when i showed him the facts asked me if i read spanish. he read the reports i showed him, which i have posted here, and said they were interesting. he had read them before. interesting? WTF it is validated data.

now if you guys wanna filter using a .2 go ahead. it aint fun. there are only a few bac that can pass thru a .45 that a .2 will trap. these are killed by dry heat as laid out in the sticky. it s true that oily solutions are slower to heat but they do heat up to the temp in the oven. you also have tpo remeber that the numbers used are overkill to ensure safety.

i have never had an infection from any of my gear. i have had 2 infections from mex gear that is loaded with ba. that in itself dispells the ba myth. real life data amigos.

i will give justin credit for one thing. he has been reading cause he changed his tune somewhat in the last couple of months. its scarey that he is a mod on a home brew board.

i have read endless reports on sterilization. they like many other areas of life sometimes disagree. but the majority of the ones i have read agree with the one i posted. not all but most. a .2 micron filter will not trap all bacteria. dont be fooled into believing this. its BS.

one thing is for sure though. as long as thier are boards like this there will always be disputes over differing topics. and you know what? new data is constantly being realized. i may read something tomorrow while studying that blows what i thought was the gospel out of the water. it happens. and if and when it happens i make necesarry adjustments and keep on trucking. I am man enough to admit when i am wrong. it happens. I have appologized more than once on this borad when wrong.

bottom line is this. when i came to this board i came because i herard you guys banned animal. lolololol i wanted see which mod it was and shake his hand. Animal is an ass hole and he knows it. however he is one smart SOB. i learned a lot from him some true and some not true. but they guy has hit the books and continues to do so. he jes aint got no social skills. lololol my objective here is to try and get folks to do some reading. the internet is a vast mass of knowledge. free knowledge. you dropped out of school. dont matter. learn the specifics of your area of interest. just be safe fellas. set some goals and dont ramble around without a plan. you wanna bench 405. good set that goal. get you routine down pat. get the nutrition down pat. get you supps down pat and go for it. you gotta a plan now. you wanna win the BBing show for you state get a plan together and stick to it. life is about the journey and not the destination. set goals, reach them and reset you goals.
Here it is........good stuff ;)

pullinbig said:
OK fellas for you that have read this now you see why i bake. I also bake at 280 or so normally. the stoppers will not melt if the rack is lowered in the oven well away from the top. let the oven preheat then place vial/vials in oven for a minimum of 1 hour. Turn the oven off and let cool to room temp before removing product. Make sure to calibrate you ovens from time to time with a thermometer. If you do study this out you will find some data showing that 340f for 2 hours is needed. After working in the Pharm business for several years, for our application, this is not necessarry. All of the numbers the labs have determined are on the high side just to be safe. I have always recommened 250-275 with emphasis on 275.

we have already determined that BA is a preservative and not a sterlizing agent in previous discussions. Pressure filtration in conjunction with heat sterlization is the safest route we have to making a sterile product for Sub-Q, IM injection or depot. Now this just applies to oily solutions/suspensions. Aqueous solutions/suspensions normally require autoclaving in conjunction with antimicrobials.

hope you guys found this intersting and that all read it who are considering home brewing. There some nasty stuff out there that can cripple or kill if it is injected into your body. Be smart and play it safe. .
aaahhhhhhh...,.i feel the love. uh oh that may be gas. no its love OK shew thought i messed my self. lolololololoool.

you know what? juice or no juice all can get stronger and reach thier goals. its prolly a 10% edge in PLing maybe more in BBIng. doesnt matter its a pesonal choice. for those who choose to use just be safe. dont lose your dream by harming you self thru a lack of research. none of us lack determination and drive or we wouldnt be here. just take that one step further. do some reading.
pullinbig said:

bottom line is this. when i came to this board i came because i herard you guys banned animal. lolololol i wanted see which mod it was and shake his hand.

Hmmmm, I wonder who that might be...;)
lol...sounds like you did it Tx

I don't know who this dude is and from what I'm readin I'm glad I don't

PB those were some inspirational words brotha...a little mushy at times...but true nonetheless

Taurus50 said:
lol...sounds like you did it Tx

I don't know who this dude is and from what I'm readin I'm glad I don't

I invited him over here because he brings quite a bit to the table...I knew how he is and that was the one stipulation I made to him coming here, that he not flame ANYBODY, and then I specifically named ulter and macro for him to not flame. He didn't make it one day without flaming.

I don't mind if somebody has a problem with somebody else's product, but stick to the facts, don't make it personal and DON'T FLAME!

I gave him more chances than I would anybody else. Sad, imo, reminds me of that saying by Nietzsche, 'Don't be so salty that nobody wants to drink from your ocean.'
TxLonghorn said:

I gave him more chances than I would anybody else. Sad, imo, reminds me of that saying by Nietzsche, 'Don't be so salty that nobody wants to drink from your ocean.'


WOW TX, I had NO IDEA you were so DEEP!!!

Drveejay11 said:

WOW TX, I had NO IDEA you were so DEEP!!!


I'm reminded of Cheers when they ask Coach why his other nickname is 'Red'...he said it was because he read a book once.