Purity source lab

I'll try them out an do my tests .. I know companies fake gh sides to make tier stuff look authentic .. However I will give my test results before an after ..willing to give psl a shot since dudes are going crazy about it :)

I have BLOODS for my gh testing. I didn't go off of sides
Fair enough bro.
Thankstropin? LOL

yea that's what I thought. never heard of them before I got them. a quick google seach will lead you to a bunch of guys that say they are legit also. either way I figured the amount of money spent is worth a $40 blood test
Indeed always, btw other than the blood test .. What was other results you acquired, mood, hornyness, gains etc.?
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Indeed always, btw other than the blood test .. What was other results you acquired, mood, hornyness, gains etc.?

these were my first kits from them. Ive been running pharma grade for almost 8 months now. At first I was healing an injury but decided to keep it around. gh wont make you horny. mood is outstanding. gains I cant tell you cause ive cycled 2 times while on it so idk. Ive also read for muscle gains you need 8 iu a day You have to run it for at least 6 months to see any effects at lower doses. I concider 2-4 iu lower doses
have you tried their hcg? is has like Chinese writing on it and stuff so im a little hesitant, I also see one what has Provigil written on it???

I used the Prov a while ago and it was good..went through several vials. I just started using the chinese version a couple months or so ago and it is good as well. I decided to switch to the chinese over the Prov because the Prov it comes in a single dose vial, which means it is a pain in the ass to recon, then you have to pre-load a bunch of sytinges. It comes in a single amp because it was originally made for women...and women use much larger dosages, like 5,000 IU at a time, so the packaging makes sense in this instance.

I find the chinese version much easier to use. Both are good, though.
Did I see PSL is stocking up on Genesis Labs Gear also. I saw a few weeks back that PSL was restocking Genesis, but no pics were available. It still says restocking now,..but they have pics and prices back up.
Received part of an order I made during the 2 for 3 sale. Waiting on another package, which will arrive very shortly. The Tren A didn't look as dark orange as I thot it might but still darker in color than the Deca but not too much. Will be ordering more after this order is complete. Packaging is awesome and cust service is like clockwork. And PLEASE, don't ever hesitate to run another 2 for 3 sale guys!!! :))) Hell if Pinn did that, his servers would crash :insane:.....hint hint, please have one Pinn ;) (excuse the greediness from the 20% off sale u just had)
My goodies just came in the mail today!!! I'm so excited. I agree with everything, PSL customer service was awesome and shipping time was like 2 weeks from time of order. I was expecting it to take a month so I hadn't even requested my pre cycle labs yet, but I just ordered them. I also got in on the 2 + 1 sale and I also got the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) with Chinese writing. I must say that I thought everyone was a little gung ho about how awesome PSL is. It seemed too good to be true. However, this was the first time I have ever ordered anywhere, and after having heard so many horror stories about bunk gear and bad shipping, and after having put a lot of money out there that I wasnt sure was coming back... now that I have the gear in my hands I'm excited like a kid on Christmas!!
I am almost positive their tbol is fake and is actually dbol. One of my friends ran it and gained 25ish lbs with SO much water he looked like a damn balloon. He started running letro and then added in asin as well and was still holding a lot of water. He was running 80mg ed which sounds like dbol to me
What the f... Are u talking about! So ur saying they faked his Tbol with dbol? Who does that. Why not just burn him and keep the money! Tbol n dbol Raws are negligible in price difference ! I could see anavar cause its much more expensive but sorry your story doesn't make sense!
What the f... Are u talking about! So ur saying they faked his Tbol with dbol? Who does that. Why not just burn him and keep the money! Tbol n dbol Raws are negligible in price difference ! I could see anavar cause its much more expensive but sorry your story doesn't make sense!

Are you serious? labs fake tbol as dbol all the time...the raws for tbol are much more expensive. Tbol and anavar costs about the same for raws. I have seen 3rd party mass specs on my sources anavar (fairly well known human grade source) and it came back at 97% purity and their tbol raws are the same price. Labs are notorious for this