Purity source lab

Just made my first order from PSL labs for Tren E. Were you happy with what you received? Do you have a dose recommendation for first time with Tren E. Been on test cyp/pro and Deca, and moving to a Test / Tren cycle, but I am unclear on the best test / tren dose for first time on Tren. Your advice is much appreciated. Thanks

U might want to try the short acting ester in tren A 1st. In case the sides become to much for u, it wont take 2 weeks to clear. That's the standard protocol I've seen for 1st time tren users. The dosage is dependent on the individual like all AAS. If it was me, it start around 200mgs tren and 300-400mgs test. U can always bump up the tren after once u get a feel for it. That kind of monster, I wouldn't go too high too quickly.
Ive had to wait as little as days and as much as using psl, rest assured if psl sent you a tracking number its on the way. Psl best player in the game, I say that because of them always answering every question in no more then 24 hrs. O and the best packaging ive seen.
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Rxmuslce is a very elite crowd like Ology is, and we have vets over there going crazy for the EU line..........

so lucky we are
ordered a small shipment from them off their domestic line, it came speedy good communication etc. and ohh yeah packaging was insane I had to pry everything open but better safe than sorry
Im glad to see someone else has finally started to carry the great line of gear the EP offers. Got my fist package from the Unc in August of 2011 and was VERY pleased with the results I had. I gained 28 lbs. of solid mass in 7 weeks hitting the weights 4x/week running EP Sustanon (sust) 250 at 500mg/wk, EP Nandrolone Decaonate (DECA) 250 at 500mg/wk and EP Boldenone Undecaonate 250 at 500mg/wk. A total of 35 lbs after a 10/wk cycle. Of course this includes eating right and training hard with supplements. So ill be in touch with PSL in regards to the EP kine very soon with a grin from ear to ear not that I know they carry EP gear witch is 100% highly recommended by me.

have you tried their hcg? is has like Chinese writing on it and stuff so im a little hesitant, I also see one what has Provigil written on it???
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I just ordered Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) through them. I have it in my possession and it certainly looks legit. I'm very confident its the real deal.

PSL has been nothing short of impressive for me.
I just ordered Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) through them. I have it in my possession and it certainly looks legit. I'm very confident its the real deal.

PSL has been nothing short of impressive for me.

sweet kk, thought id check... it seemed so well priced it couldn't be real lol
Ive seen stuff with Chinese writing and was worried about it in the past. But it was real and also when you think about it 95 percent of gear is raw's from china so no need to be afraid of the Chinese.
I am going to give them a try maybe been thinking of it if I do I will use it instead of my trt test and get my blood work on it for free. Will keep everyone posted
So nobody really has one bad thing to say about psl? Craziness and they only to wire transfers hmm want to try but afraid of getting my heart broken from all this sweet talk
So nobody really has one bad thing to say about psl? Craziness and they only to wire transfers hmm want to try but afraid of getting my heart broken from all this sweet talk

don't do it then. you not hurting our feelings either way. no one works for them on this thread. and when you find a source that doesn't do wire transfers let me know
I'll try them out an do my tests .. I know companies fake gh sides to make tier stuff look authentic .. However I will give my test results before an after ..willing to give psl a shot since dudes are going crazy about it :)