Purity source lab

well im getting some dbol in a couple days and will start eating them bitches as soon as i get em. Ill see how much i bloat and watch my e2 go up. I will update
Are you serious? labs fake tbol as dbol all the time...the raws for tbol are much more expensive. Tbol and anavar costs about the same for raws. I have seen 3rd party mass specs on my sources anavar (fairly well known human grade source) and it came back at 97% purity and their tbol raws are the same price. Labs are notorious for this

Currently using there Tbol and having an nice easy ride with it. Last time I used dbol I had blood pressure issues and banging headaches from the get-go.
I am almost positive their tbol is fake and is actually dbol. One of my friends ran it and gained 25ish lbs with SO much water he looked like a damn balloon. He started running letro and then added in asin as well and was still holding a lot of water. He was running 80mg ed which sounds like dbol to me

...Almost positive in that case is in fact really far from the truth/facts Bro - trust me.
You're right - Tbol raws are more expensive - But we never messed around the way ur implying - look at the c. oils we use for the stuff - couse the PG c. oils we use for the whole Line is ridiculously expensive and Pro ! - Why would we screw our position with that Tbol-Dbol unwise Trick ??

Besides Tbol also creates a pretty decent water retention naturally

Doing the trick you carelesly implied w/o solid proof would be extremely ... just Dumb of Us - Don't u think ??

We're a Long run Pros. here my friend - not cheap bastards as you "delicatelly" suggested .... (also not one bad review with our Tbol)

Anyway - Thanks for the Tbol/Dbol raws and water retention matter input - it's informative to some members.
I've had a great experience with PSL just started week 5 of the test e and I'm using the EP eq as well. Strength is up I've added weight to all my lifts.
Agreed, just beginning a 15 week cycle with floor to ceiling PSL gear, test e, deca, tbol, var- why would I have invested the time and money in them if the extensive research I conducted hadn't shown they were gtg?!

try before you review imo.
I am almost positive their tbol is fake and is actually dbol. One of my friends ran it and gained 25ish lbs with SO much water he looked like a damn balloon. He started running letro and then added in asin as well and was still holding a lot of water. He was running 80mg ed which sounds like dbol to me

I know MANY people who have run PSL's T-bol with good results....the "type" of results one would expect from T-bol. We sold a ton of this stuff...a food amount of it to long-time, experienced users...and I haven't seen a single complaint.
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