Hammer Time
well im getting some dbol in a couple days and will start eating them bitches as soon as i get em. Ill see how much i bloat and watch my e2 go up. I will update
Are you serious? labs fake tbol as dbol all the time...the raws for tbol are much more expensive. Tbol and anavar costs about the same for raws. I have seen 3rd party mass specs on my sources anavar (fairly well known human grade source) and it came back at 97% purity and their tbol raws are the same price. Labs are notorious for this
I am almost positive their tbol is fake and is actually dbol. One of my friends ran it and gained 25ish lbs with SO much water he looked like a damn balloon. He started running letro and then added in asin as well and was still holding a lot of water. He was running 80mg ed which sounds like dbol to me
I've had a great experience with PSL just started week 5 of the test e and I'm using the EP eq as well. Strength is up I've added weight to all my lifts.
I am almost positive their tbol is fake and is actually dbol. One of my friends ran it and gained 25ish lbs with SO much water he looked like a damn balloon. He started running letro and then added in asin as well and was still holding a lot of water. He was running 80mg ed which sounds like dbol to me
any idea of when domestic is going to be restocked? anyone use their adrol?