Puzzling information


After reading about numerous public cases of the red cross disbursing only 2% of funds raised and broad misconduct and documented bankrolling of the U.S military I came across this.. I hesitantly and patiently listened to this broadcast, I don't agree with all the positions he takes but I figured I'd pass it on

Just an fyi, I've always been an Obama supporter, nothing has swayed me as of late
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Had to seriously sift through the propaganda, but there is some very interesting information presented. Ending his video with a line from The Terminator as if he's John Connor destroyed most of his credibility in my eyes though. Our country has been run by the Oligarchs for many, many years and will continue to do so regardless of how many youtube videos people make. I did hear the broadcast from Melissa Harris-Perry earlier, and died laughing. "Children belong to the community".... hahahahaha. Good luck with that one lady.
Lol yea he coulda left the terminator quote out. I'm not goin to get into a political debate but I totally disagree with a lot that goes on today. Politicians are thieves. They take my money and give it to people who don't work because they're lazy. But mostly they pad their own pockets with it. I think Obama would love to have everyone depend on the govt for all their needs. Funny thing is the govt can't do shit without the people. Where do u think they get their money from?
It's the unwarranted search and seizure checkpoints by the TSA, local, and federal law enforcement that are expanding throughout the country that worries me
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Yea they think they can do whatever they want man. And they do it under the guise of national security.