Q+A with Dr.Henry of Entourage Hormones


New member
This thread is going to be designed as a place for members to go if they have a question regarding TRT or hormones or anything of the such etc.. and would like to get a direct answer from the Doctor.

Go ahead and leave any question you may have on this thread, and when Dr.Henry has time he will check in and reply with your answers.

Thanks for visiting Entourage Hormones, we look forward to working with you.
I saw in your other thread that you often prescribe Deca with TRT. I dont see many doctors doing this at the moment so I was curious how you are using this to supplement a patients TRT treatment.

Is this treatment for a select few patients, maybe your older clients who are looking for a little better joint function, preventing muscle atrophy, etc? Or can this be applied across the board?

What dosage do you currently use with patients? Im assuming on the lower end as a therapeutic dose (200-300mg/wk)

Have you noticed any changes in lab work due to the Deca? Good or bad. (Other than the usual things you would expect like e2 since deca is aromatizing)

What has been your experience prescribing Deca with TRT? Has it been well received by patients? Is it worth adding on top indefinitely? Or is this treatment used in cycles with specific intent. I have been prescribed Anavar in the past when I first started on with a doctor as I was "powerlifting" and had gotten quite fat and decided I needed to focus more on my overall health. (i.e. losing fat) Is this in any way to similar to how you use Deca?

On another note, are there any additional hormones/supplements you have found to be extremely beneficial when used with TRT? I have been on TRT close to 4 years now and it has been a bit of a rollercoaster. In the past few years I have since gotten my treatment under control and found a sustainable level where I feel good. However, in the recent 6-12 months I have noticed a distinct lack of well being. Fatigue, poor sleep, poor mental acuity, lack of sex drive, etc have become issues I have had to deal with, despite making no major changes to my TRT protocol. I have eliminated the usual suspects when diagnosing these issues but cant seem to shake this overall lack of well being. Sleep apnea was my original assumption but having been on CPAP therapy for some time now I have since ruled this out. My only guess as to the root of this issue now would be a 6 month course of accutane that I took after dealing with major skin changes due to TRT. I have no proof but after doing research on the drug (unfortunately after having taking it) this is where I would place the blame. However, I realize my problems cant be diagnosed with one simple post so I will get my to original question. Are there any medications/supplements that you employ when someone has been on TRT for long periods to aid in overall health or maybe to combat adrenal fatigue and other common issues?

Thanks for your time.
Bump for the response to the above deca question. I have been prescribed deca with my TRT in the past. I have done a 200 mg dose of Deca along with my 200 mg dose of test for over two years. Recently I have come off the Deca.

My joints have felt tremendous over the past year and a half with the Deca. However, I have some underlying heart issues and as a result have come off the Deca. My joints are really starting to bother me and I'm trying to figure out what my next step is in my hormone replacement therapy.

Please advise your findings with prescribing deca with TRT.
Hey guys,

just to answer questions regarding Deca, many providers do not prescribe as it is becoming more and more highly regulated, thus making pharmacies hesitant to compound. This raises the price and can put some heat on a providers license, which is never a good thing. There are some indications for which Deca is used such as HIV and degenerative disc disease. I for one love Deca in addition to TRT and it has proven to be highly beneficial, it does aromatize highly , however this can all be leveled out with good old arimidex and proper provider management.

Accutane, that is a whole other story. It is terrible for you. Much worse than any type of gear or anabolics in my opinion.

Adrenal insufficiency is something everyone needs to watch for, we call it adrenal fatigue and this can definitely cause symptoms that you are experiencing. If you would like to chat about that just reach out to me and I will be happy to help. Many people don't understand the importance of the adrenals and the impact it can have on your well being.

Slhardee- Health is number on priority. That is why we do TRT due to the magnificent health benefits associated with therapy! if you are having cardiac issues you need to be evaluated by a cardiologist, definitely. You do not want to mess around with any type of heart issues. if you don't mind me asking, what issues are out having? arrythmia? angina? increased bp?

Dr. B
what, if anything, has the doctor personally used with any of his trt patients to successfully bring sperm count up to WNL.

i am looking for options to stay on trt and bring my sperm count up. hcg doesn't seem to work as i was running 700iu twice a week for 6 months with only minor increases in sperm production.
3J, are you actively trying to have children? If so, then you can do climid. I have multiple patients that have successfully conceived while on TRT utilizing clomid.

Dr. B
I hace 2 bolge disc on my neck and two herniated disc on my
Lower back, my line of work requires me to push my back to the limit were at the end of the day I pay dearly with back & neck pain, im a licensed mechanic for autos, sometimes
I end up in the ER all they can do is prescribe me with some anti inflamatory with perkacet conbine, some oral steroid
Just to feel better..
So Doc yes I need your help with prescribed deca now my question is how many mg do I need?
Also I have good friend of mine he also works with me from time to time
he is a master mechanic but had several
Surgery on his hip and it wasn't susccesful, now he walks with crouches always and almost everyday he goes threw pain. I've told him about the wonders of deca he was happy to hear it, but this was before I found out about Entourage so my friends doc won't prescribe deca, and the few ugl he had bought from did not give him any help one of them was bunk and the other just gave him an infection on his back that landed my pal at the ER and was given very strong antibiotics after a week he started to recover, but the sides of the antibiotics were upset stomack he would be throwing up almost everyday..
Now that we have you thank the lord i will send my bro your way...
Thanks Doc B
Do you think he will benefit from deca if so how many mg should he start with
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Dr. B, I have been under the care of a cardiologist for the past four years. My heart is monitored by an electrophysiologist who makes sure everything is OK. My underlying problem is I have an athletic heart. This is probably due to the amount of high impact interval training I have done over the years. I used to have PVCs, but those went away and we're chalked up to high-stress at the time. Currently, ( over the past two Years) my ejection fraction has decreased from my normal 40%. 40% can be considered low, but for me it is normal and my heart functions very efficiently at 40%. Recently I had a cardiac MRI and an echo cardio gram, these showed my ejection fraction to currently be at 35%. I have had no issues in that I feel great and I've not noticed any difference in my training. I run every day and work out every day. I have been put on two meds in order to try to bring my ejection fraction up. (Thy are NOT Beta blockers as I refuse to take these).

Doc, what is your opinion on TRT in my heart condition ? I cut out the Decca on my own knowing it can cause heart problems, but I'm having trouble understanding if he could lead to the specific problems that I potentially have. Overall I have a high functioning heart and cardiovascular capacity. My VO 2 Max and cardiovascular capacity is at an elite athletic level.

On a sidenote, my TRT and Deca are prescribed by a doctor. I do quarterly blood tests, but the heart doctor does not know about the HRT. I felt great on the Deca and my joints are not suffering that I am not on it.

I'm sorry for the long answer, but there is much more I could put on here and I'm trying to simplify it. What are your thoughts?

Thank you in advance Doc B!!
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Mr. P, sorry to hear about your friend! That is the risk you run when dealing with UGL. See it all the time unfortunately.

I recommend 125mg/wk of deca for proper benefits and no side effects.

Slhardee- anything under 55% EF would be considered cardiomyopathy and can be very devastating, especially if systolic in nature. It does sound like you are compensating just fine, however I would definitely run it by cardiologist. They are the specialist in that field and are very good at what they do. I could not recommend running anything, even TRT until cleared by your cardio doc.

You always want to error on the side of caution and overall we are here to increase a healthy lifestyle!

Dr. B
Hi doc. I got some blood tests back from a private lab recently. I got it done since I was feeling some of the symptoms of low t. My TT is apparently in the normal range, but we know the normal range includes everyone of every age. I am 37 and have been involved in mixed martial arts for well over a decade and have not before taken steroids. I feel low in mood and motivation, libido is almost non existent, body fat has become more difficult to shift, I feel weak and fatigued... I just feel like my experience of life is dampened and I feel like an emotionless robot. Here are my results:

DHEA sulphate: 4.88umol/l range 0.44-13.40
FS: 3.9 iu/l range 1.50-12.40
LS: 7.63 iu/l range 1.70-8.60
TT: 15.4 nmol/l range 7.60-31.40
SHBG: 46.4 nmol/l range 16.00-55.00
FAI: 33 range 24-104

I would appreciate any advice on how or if I should be approaching my doctor with these results. I have nothing I'm my life that is causing me to feel the way I do, in fact quote the opposite, nonetheless I feel only semi existent. Thanks again.
Doc B,

Thank you for the reply. I am keeping everyone who needs to know in the loop, and am figuring everything out. With respect to your recommended Deca dose, 125 mg a week seems to work well with your experience? What is the "tipping point" for sides etc? I was taking 200mg per week and felt great, before I discontinued it. I know everyone is different , and I would just like to pick your brain, if you care to answer.
Doc B,

Thank you for the reply. I am keeping everyone who needs to know in the loop, and am figuring everything out. With respect to your recommended Deca dose, 125 mg a week seems to work well with your experience? What is the "tipping point" for sides etc? I was taking 200mg per week and felt great, before I discontinued it. I know everyone is different , and I would just like to pick your brain, if you care to answer.

I think deca at 125 a week is just enough to lubricate the joints and not have secondary side effects. Dr.B should chime in shortly. If you guys need anything let me know!!