Quad Injection!! HELP IM WORRIED!!


New member
Hi everyone i'm new here & the reason being is im panicking like hell over my quad so i have been using gear since about 2016 now and been pinning my gluts since day 1.

Anyway on thursday (4days ago) i decided im going to change it up and starting pinning my quads as my ass cant take it anymore so i did i injected .5ml of test sust 250 into my right quad then it all started so about 8-10 hours later i pain starting in the area and all of a sudden i went to bed woke up and i havent been able to walk for the past 3 days also since yesterday day 3 its went red rashy looking and still hurts like sh*t.

I have attached a photo of the redness yesterday let me know what you guys thin infection? virgin muscle? pi5s gear?

(Yeah my quad looks mince in the pic but there not too bad baring in mind im 6ft 4in.

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I have had quad shots that left me crippled for DAYS. I prefer glutes or Delts. Delts are a heck of alot better than quads! IMO
I use a 29 gauge needle for injections into the top of the thigh (when seated) and for the side deltoids.
I don***8217;t know what number gauge is used for injections into the glutes but when I***8217;ve used that size of needle for thigh injections it hurt like hell the following days afterward. When I told my doctor that I prefer to inject the side deltoids and thighs he gave me the 29 gauge needles and now there***8217;s no discomfort at all.
Dave Palumbo does a RXrant video on YouTube about “3 reasons why quad injections are a bad idea” and he says exactly for the very reason in this thread!
It would appear you hit a nerve, and this seems to be quite common. I have read hundreds of threads about quad injections and this always seems to be a theme.
Always inject in glutes! Why? The glute has the most absorption (over 80% from what I remember), the delt is less then 50% absorption so why inject anywhere but the glute?... maybe for ease of injection if you can’t twist enough to do it yourself? or have a skilled partner?
Moving forward:
I would start on some amoxicillin ASAP, it can’t hurt if it doesn’t go away in 3 days I would go see a doctor it could be progressing cellulitis which would be treated with “Cefazolin”.

Best of luck mate, but I think you just hit a nerve, but better to be safe on this one, if it’s still hot and red growing with in 24-36hrs get antibiotics.