quality snack foods?


Active member
hey guys! i've seriously been trying to keep my diet in check, even tho im not dieting for a show right now...my favorite snack at the moment is those new baked doritos~ there are 21 grams of carbs per serving, but only 3 grams of sugar, 1 gram fiber. ok, the majority of carbs are not from sugar, so does that mean that this is a good-quality carb snack? i'm trying to stay away from fried, fatty or sugary foods ( i dont care about salt) but id like a snack to eat before working out or just instead of "bad" snacks that are not nutritionally sound. can anyone help me?
strngthmnx said:
hey guys! i've seriously been trying to keep my diet in check, even tho im not dieting for a show right now...my favorite snack at the moment is those new baked doritos~ there are 21 grams of carbs per serving, but only 3 grams of sugar, 1 gram fiber. ok, the majority of carbs are not from sugar, so does that mean that this is a good-quality carb snack? i'm trying to stay away from fried, fatty or sugary foods ( i dont care about salt) but id like a snack to eat before working out or just instead of "bad" snacks that are not nutritionally sound. can anyone help me?

Baked Doritos are an absolute crap source of carbs. Just because the label says that the carbs are not from sugar does not make it a good snack.

I would say nuts, but you say you want low fat (may I ask why?).

Beef jerky is good, and you can eat it with an apple or some berries, or some other type of low GI fruit (pear, peach, plum, orange, etc).

Yogurt is another option, along with cottage cheese.

You could use an MRP if you must, but it would be better if you ate real food.
damn that sucks...i love doritos! BTW, i just meant fatty foods like deep-fried; i take flaxseed oil and i sprinkle whole flaxseeds on my cereal and in yogurt. i eat almonds and walnuts also. it's just that i'd like a snack food that's not necessarily "healthy" but also not horrible (ice cream is another huge favorite of mine). having a snack that tastes good and doesnt make me feel like im dieting is my goal, since i eat very clean 99% of the time.i figured since theyre corn chips the carbs might be ok.
Ice cream isn't that bad...just get vanilla and look for a brand with minimal ingredients (like just cream, sugar, and vanilla).
Pork rinds are not bad at all. High sodium but whatever.
strngthmnx said:
damn that sucks...i love doritos! BTW, i just meant fatty foods like deep-fried; i take flaxseed oil and i sprinkle whole flaxseeds on my cereal and in yogurt. i eat almonds and walnuts also. it's just that i'd like a snack food that's not necessarily "healthy" but also not horrible (ice cream is another huge favorite of mine). having a snack that tastes good and doesnt make me feel like im dieting is my goal, since i eat very clean 99% of the time.i figured since theyre corn chips the carbs might be ok.

I do believe that whole flax seeds are worthless to your body. They have to be crushed in order to be used by your body, otherwise you just crap them out whole.
jynx said:
I do believe that whole flax seeds are worthless to your body. They have to be crushed in order to be used by your body, otherwise you just crap them out whole.

This is true. Don't ask how I know :D
yeh, but not if you chew them up, right? i dont make a habit of swallowing them whole...besides, i make sure to chew thoroughly to slow down my eating and encourage satiety. i also use flax meal in biscuits and pancakes, and sometimes in with my oatmeal. i really, REALLY hate oatmeal... :(
If you chew them up good then you should be fine.

Just be careful with putting them in anything really hot or cooking with them. High heat can damage them.